Dr. Rajamannan to Comment on Long-Awaited Results of Senate Finance Investigation

Press Conference Jan. 8, 2020 at Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology at 11:00 am
Congressman Glenn Grothman and Dr. Rajamannan

​​​Dr. Nalini Rajamannan — a specialist for patients with valvular heart disease in Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology, Sheboygan, WI — plans to meet the press at the Institute located in Downtown Sheboygan to review Food and Drug Congressional Statement regarding the lost status of a heart device implanted in 667 patients across the United States of America. In a press release sent yesterday, the FDA letter was released which confirms the status of the device. Dr. Rajamannan, a physician who witnessed the surgeries in the operating room, now works as a specialist for patients with valvular heart disease at Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology, in Sheboygan, WI. In 2007, the device manufacturer confirmed the exempt status in a two-line email to the hospital. The saga related to the heart device is outlined by Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal's new book "An American Sickness" highlights the issues related to exempt medical devices in the chapter, "How to get into a Patient's Heart? Follow the Money." The chapter outlines the events summarized by eye-witness Dr. Nalini M. Rajamannan in the series "The Myxo Files a XXIV: A Tale of Three Rings" as published by Kindle Publishing on Amazon.com. Tomorrow, Jan. 8, 2020, Dr. Rajamannan will review the FDA letter to the Senate Finance Committee's Chairman Grassley of the Finance Committee, classifying the device as not exempt from reporting the device to the FDA, and that the device manufacturer needs to submit a new approval application. (See Linked PDF of the FDA Congressional Letter.)

This information will help the 667+ patients to finally may get answers about whether medical devices placed in their bodies are tested and safe, as the Food and Drug Administration begins to allow access to volumes of previously shielded data from consumers as written to then-Senator Richard Lugar (IN) and Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI). The Senate Finance committee is involved in these investigations on behalf of Medicare and Medicaid because government dollars fund the use of medical devices in patients' health. More importantly, the new changes to the FDA reporting laws as outlined by Kaiser Health News will help patients know more about medical devices implanted into their bodies.

Press Conference: Sheboygan Wisconsin
11:00 am Central Time
703 N 8th Street Suite 303
Sheboygan WI 53081

Dr. Nalini Rajamannan is a heart valve expert in the field of cardiovascular medicine. She earned her undergraduate science pre-professional degree from the University of Notre Dame, her Medical Doctorate from Mayo Medical School and her post-graduate training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the Mayo Clinic and Research Fellowship on the NIH training Grant. She also worked at the Mayo Clinic as a staff consultant in Internal Medicine and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University and the Lakeside and Westside VA. Currently, she practices consultative valvular medicine and Osteocardiology at Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology and Valvular Institute, WI.

​Press Contact
Oscar Delgado
​​Press Officer for Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology and Valvular Institute
Former NBC Bureau Chief Latin America
[email protected]

Source: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology and Valvular Institute


Tags: #FDA #Grassley#medical Devices, FDA, Medical Device, Senate Finance Committee, Senator Grassley