Dr Suresh Kumar Agarwal, Leader of Natural Health Sciences, inaugurates the International Education Charter

Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal, President, Indian Board of Alternative Medicines inagurates international education charter magazine of CCLP WorldWide in Kolkata, India.

Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal (For latest updates on the activities of Dr.Agarwal please visit http://www.drskagarwal.net) , President, Indian Board of Alternative Medicines was invited to the launching ceremony of the inaugural issue of the education charter, a quarterly magazine of CCLP WorldWide, an International Organization for the promotion of Higher Education for better livelihood, today at Oxford Book Center.

Lion L. P. Jain, District Governor 322B2, Dr. Nalini Gupta and Mr. M. Jain were also present as Guests of Honour. Dr. Vikrant Singh, the Chief Editor and Mr. Vinod Singh, Managing Editor of the magazine described about the importance and the purpose of such magazine in India and abroad.

Prof. Dr. Agarwal, the name synonymous to Alternative Medicine in India holds the Golden Key to the wisdom propagated in the times prehistoric. As the promoter of Alternative Medicinal Practices Dr. S. K. Agarwal has paved a way towards world recognition and understanding of the Holistic Healing in an Alternative Method. An internationally renowned practitioner of alternative medicine, Dr. Agarwal is also an organizer, visionary, author and teacher.

Indian Board of Alternative Medicines (Visit the official site of the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines on http://www.altmedworld.net) Department of Distance and Continuing Education, is a Government registered institution, internationally recognized and the largest organization of Alternative Medicine in India. The Board is duly incorporated under Act XXVI of 1961 of Government of West Bengal, based on the Central Government of India Act XXI of 1860 and the Literary & Scientific Institutions Act, 1854.

The Board is also internationally affiliated with the I.A.E.W.P. - An Affiliate of the United Nations, ECOSOC, UNICEF and UNESCO.
It is the only organization in India to be recognized by and affiliated to the United Nations University for Peace (an international inter-governmental university established UN Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/80) and duly recognized by the Government of India which is a signatory to the international agreement for the establishment of the University for Peace and Charter of the University for Peace of the UN.


Tags: alternative medicine education i, cclp worldwide, dr s k agarwal, dr suresh kumar agarwal, indian board of alternative medi

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