Dr William Frazier Explains How Male Confidence Is Restored With Gynecomastia Surgery

Men with excess breast tissue live with the feeling and desire to have a more manly chest. This can be achieved through male breast reduction. Dr William Frazier of Vero Cosmetic and Medispa discusses the simple procedure for Gynecomastia.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there were 22,939 instances of male breast reduction surgery. This number is noteworthy since there were 20,732 in 2012 and 20,351 in 2000 demonstrating that men are becoming more image conscious of how manly their chest appear.

When a man develops too much breast tissue giving him the appearance of having small breasts or what is known as man boobs, this can be a tremendous blow to his confidence. The condition of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men, known in the medical world as Gynecomastia, is common in both teenagers or men past their forties.

It is often triggered by hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs. The condition is associated with emotional discomfort among many men and some may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy feeling shameful of their appearance.

Board certified Plastic Surgeon in Vero Beach, FL, Dr William Frazier brings 25 years of experience in cosmetic surgery to Vero Beach Florida. He specializes in body contouring, fat transfer and surgeries to lift, enlarge or correct problems in the breast area.

He addressed the recent growth of Gynecomastia Surgery, or male breast reduction as it pertains to surgical correction of over-developed or enlarged breast in men in a recent video broadcast on his YouTube Channel saying, "Hi, I'm Dr William Frazier. I want to talk about for just a moment, Gynecomastia, a problem that is fairly common in men - particularly as they get a little bit older. We start seeing this in the forties or fifties, actually teenagers have it and it goes away almost all the time by the time they reach twenty, but then it seems to come back around the fifties or sixties. It has to do with these very subtle hormone changes in our bodies."

When asked what gynecomastia actually is he explained, "Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of the male breast and its almost always to a large degree an accumulation of subcutaneous tissue known as fat. So it can be very simply dealt with by using liposuction. Two small incisions on each side, about a quarter of an inch, you can remove that fat and it will leave a small amount of glandular tissue. If that is excessive we may need to make a little incision around the areola and take that little button of tissue out, but by and large it's resolved by liposuction. So it turns out to be a relatively easy way of flattening out or contouring the male chest."

When asked why would men even care about it he responded with, "Well because they need to look manly. Sports, they wear tight shirts and t-shirts. There's a term called man boobs that describes it - well it's not a particularly flattering term and it makes men look more effeminate. So they would rather have a flat or muscular looking chest rather than a more feminine chest."

In closing, Dr Frazier emphasized the important of confidentiality with all of his patients, "So if these are problems that you can relate to and want to talk about it, come see me, I'll be happy to discuss this with you and explain what can be done, what your options are. Dial 772-562-2400, the ladies who answer the phone will be able to make an appointment for you. You don't even need to tell them what it's about - just tell them it's about body contouring and that's enough. We'll discuss it and see what's available to help solve your problem."

Surgery Location and Anesthesia:

Procedures are typically performed at the office based surgery suite located at 1255 37th Street, Ste. D, Vero Beach, FL 32960. It is accredited through the State of Florida Department of Health/Board of Medicine. There are a variety anesthetics used in accordance with the patient's needs and procedure type. Those most commonly used are IV sedation, oral anesthesia and local anesthetics. Dr. Frazier always discusses what is most appropriate for the patient's procedure with each consultation. The practice accepts CareCredit and credit cards for cosmetic treatments as well as medical insurance when applicable.

About William H. Frazier MD
Dr William H. Frazier, FACS is Yale trained, experienced and trusted for over 25 years experience in Vero Beach and the Treasure Coast in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the face, body and hands. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and several other professional societies.

More information about his cosmetic surgery procedures can be found on his company website.

Vero Cosmetic Surgery and MediSpa 1255 37th Street, Suite D, Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 562-2400


Tags: 2013 male cosm, gynecomastia before and after, gynecomastia cost, gynecomastia surgery florida, male breast reduction, man boobs, what is gynecomastia

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Jane Frazier
Press Contact, Vero Cosmetic and Medispa
Vero Cosmetic and Medispa
1255 37th Street Suite D
Vero Beach, FL 32960
United States