Dr. Yessis Analyzes Draft Choice Blaine Gabbert

Legendary biomechanic pioneer Dr. Michael Yessis completes a technique analysis on University of Missouri's Blaine Gabbert.

Dr. Michael Yessis, the legendary biomechanic pioneer has completed a technique analysis of one of the predicted top round draft choices in the upcoming NFL Draft, Missouri's Blaine Gabbert.

Dr. Yessis analyzed Blaine Gabbert's throwing mechanics frame by frame, in a game situation when the University of Missouri played University of Nevada. "The first thing I noticed is that his whole body turns in one motion. This does not allow Gabbert to take advantage of any kinetic chain to produce more force with his throws" stated Dr. Yessis.

The other thing Dr. Yessis noted about Blaine Gabbert during his stop action analysis that he pioneered, is "he leans back before he throws and then leans forward into the throw to generate power. He does this to make up for a lack of arm strength, a failing in technique, and again, losing out on the power that would be generated by a kinetic chain from a sequence of movements" concluded Dr. Yessis.

"I think Blaine Gabbert would make a excellent pick provided that the team drafting him has the expertise to teach a throwing technique to enhance both his throwing power and his accuracy" summarized Dr. Yessis.

For a look at the entire frame-by-frame analysis of Blaine Gabbert by Dr. Yessis, visit doctoryessis.com

Dr. Yessis is also Professor Emeritus at California State University, Fullerton, where he was a multi-sports specialist in biomechanics (technique analysis) and sports conditioning and training.

Dr. Yessis has served as training and technique consultant to the L.A. Rams and L.A. Raiders football clubs, and the U.S. Men's Volleyball Team. He has trained hundreds of athletes in different sports and developed unique specialized training programs for strength and speed-strength i.e. explosive strength, terms he's coined.

He's written 20 books on Sports Training through biomechanics, wrote for Muscle & Fitness, and appeared on Good Morning America, Today, CNN etc. Currently he serves on the advisory board and is a clinical advisor for the American Running Association and is a contributor to Running Times & Football Gridiron Strategies.

About Dr. Yessis:
Dr. Yessis has served as training and technique consultant to the L.A. Rams and L.A. Raiders football clubs, and the U.S. Men's Volleyball Team. He has trained hundreds of athletes in different sports and developed unique specialized training programs for strength and speed-strength i.e. explosive strength, terms he's coined.


Tags: Blaine Gabbert, combine, Dr. Yessis, draft, Draft Combine, nfl draft, NFL Draft Prospect, Pro Football draft

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