Dragon Medical One 5.0 Released

Accelerated Workflow Solutions offers existing users of Dragon® Medical Practice Edition an opportunity to roll over into cloud-based speech recognition software Dragon Medical One

Accelerated Workflow Solutions — the world's only International Nuance Authorized Sales Agent (NASA) for Dragon® Medical — is pleased to announce that current users of Nuance Dragon® Medical Practice Edition can now roll over their speech recognition and dictation platform to Dragon Medical One. As the industry-leading cloud-based speech recognition solution, Dragon Medical One gives physicians true freedom from the limitations imposed by traditional speech recognition. Empowering clinicians to work up to 45% more quickly than typing alone while capturing 20% more relevant information, Dragon Medical One is a fast, secure, and scalable dictation solution that works across multiple devices, platforms, and applications.

Key Features of Dragon Medical One 5.0

●      The Convenience of the Cloud: With a cloud-based, single-voice profile that travels with users across unlimited devices and applications, Dragon Medical One gives physicians convenient, high-quality, and accurate speech recognition — whether they're at a workstation or a mobile device. Custom vocabularies, auto-texts, and shortcut commands travel with the user for hands-free convenience wherever they go.

●      Free PowerMic™ Mobile App: Caregivers can transform their personal smartphone or tablet into a secure mobile recorder. Hardware, software, and IT support costs are reduced, without sacrificing productivity, efficiency, or portability.

●      Reliable and Accurate Speech Recognition: Geographically dispersed, redundant data centers (with guaranteed 99.5% uptime) process all speech data, using TLS protocols and 256-bit encryption. Clinicians get the reliability and accuracy they depend on and the security patient data deserves.

●      Automatic Software Updates: Thanks to automatic updates for all users on every device, the latest features and security upgrades are always available. Clinician downtime drops while efficiency, morale, and patient experiences improve.

●      A Smaller IT Footprint: Processing speech data off-site reduces demand for IT infrastructure. User-friendly, intuitive installation from the cloud, powerful user customization options, and a consistent, single-voice profile across devices and apps minimize IT support needs.

The average physician documents an average of 7.2 million words each year. Dragon Medical One provides a powerful, portable solution to the ever-growing need for flexible, user-friendly, unlimited dictation and speech recognition. It installs quickly and easily from the cloud on any Microsoft® Windows®-based workstation or laptop and integrates seamlessly with current EHR platforms. Dragon Medical One users simply point and click to enter speech data into their favorite EHR/EMR software, Microsoft Office® programs, or Web-based applications.

Dragon Medical One helps doctors save time and frustration through:

●      Fast, accurate, and secure patient documentation

●      Less time spent on data entry and more time invested in self and patient care

●      Lower transcription costs

●      Increased productivity and efficiency based on continuous improvement and elimination of redundant tasks

●      Zero per-device limits, coupled with a consistent and fully customizable user experience across a broad range of devices and applications

●      Scalable, affordable speech recognition that grows with clinician needs

Accelerated Workflow Solutions and Nuance encourage current users of Dragon Medical Practice Edition to implement a full rollover to Dragon Medical One. Full information on Dragon Medical One and the substantial benefits of cloud-based medical speech recognition can be found at TheDragonPeople.com.

About TheDragonPeople.com

Proudly known as "The Dragon® People," Accelerated Workflow Solutions (AWS) maintains offices in both Chickamauga, Georgia (USA), and St Helens Park, NSW (Australia), and is the only International Nuance Authorized Sales Agent (NASA) for Dragon® Medical. Since 1998, the experts at AWS have made it their business to offer consumers the very best in speech recognition technology, training, and customer service. For true one-stop shopping for all Dragon buying, training, and implementation needs, visit TheDragonPeople.com. ​

Source: Accelerated Workflow Solutions


Tags: Automatic Software Updates, Cloud-Based Speech Recognition, Dragon Medical One, Faster Documentation, Reliable and Accurate Speech Recognition, Scaleable Dictation Solution, Smaller IT Footprint, Speech Recognition, User Friendly