DreamCourts Explains How to Choose the Right Hoop for a Backyard Basketball Court

With different basketball hoops on the market, deciding which is most suitable is an important consideration for a home basketball court.
Dream Courts

 With backyard basketball courts growing in popularity, those considering investing in a home set up should understand the difference between different basketball rings, to help select the best type for their needs.

The market leader in custom high performance outdoor courts, DreamCourts, explains that ring choice is important because it will determine the overall space needed for the court as well as other details like where to lay line markings and what sort of foundations might be needed.

There are two types of basketball hoops on the market: freestanding or wall mounted and in ground basketball rings. According to DreamCourts, in ground basketball hoops are stronger and more durable than freestanding or wall mounted rings.

As the name suggests, a wall mounted or freestanding basketball hoop is attached to a wall or stands on its own base and pole. Relatively inexpensive and easy to set up, these types of basketball hoops represent a convenient option for those who don't want to renovate an area to accommodate an in ground hoop or want to be able to move the hoop around.

DreamCourts explains the key with a wall mounted hoop is to ensure the height is right when installing as it's difficult to adjust later. For a freestanding hoop, it is important to ensure adequate weight and stability is applied to the base and for a wall mounted hoop, the wall must be load bearing, to make it safe for use.

The other option to consider is an in ground basketball system. DreamCourts says these are typical of most public basketball courts and are a more permanent solution as they are dug into the ground and fixed into place.

The DreamCourts DreamHoops basketball system is a professional grade in ground hoop that is fully adjustable from five to ten feet in height and comes standard with a thick tempered glass backboard. Constructed with rust resistant galvanised steel, the in ground basketball system is the best choice for a home backyard basketball court.

DreamCourts supply everything needed for a pro home set up with fully customisable basketball courts to suit various sized spaces. To learn more about installing a home basketball court complete with professional dunking ring, contact DreamCourts directly.

Source: DreamCourts


Tags: Australia, basketball hoops, basketball rings, basketball system

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