Drinking & Nightlife - New Weepo Survey of Dating App Trends

New York, NY, January 27, 2017 (Newswire.com) - A new survey of dating app users suggests the more messages and matches singles receive, the less likely they will meet someone in person.
The survey of more than 50,000 dating app users found the average single has three dating apps on their phone and receives more than 100 matches. More surprising - singles who receive the most messages meet - at most - one person a month, according to the responses. The survey also found the average woman receives more than 100 matches a month, but that doesn't lead to actual dates. Women answered they went on 0 to one dates over the last month.
We've heard the complaints from singles that they don't have time to schedule a time or evening to meet. This survey data reinforces the frustration that most singles express. They have so many matches but no time to meet anyone in person.
Roy Lugasi, Founder of Weepo
This consumer data was collected by Weepo as part of consumer research on dating app trends. Weepo, which connects singles at events, conducted this proprietary research to identify dating, drinking and nightlife habits of singles.
The End of Traditional Dating Apps?
The founder of Weepo, Roy Lugasi, predicts traditional dating apps will die as singles discover these apps aren't leading to in-person meetings.
“We’ve heard the complaints from singles that they don't have time to schedule a time or night to meet," said Lugasi. "This survey reinforces the frustration that most singles express. They have so many matches but no time to meet anyone in person."
Lugasi says this new data proves what most singles experience: they don't have time to meet people they connect with on dating apps; it's even harder to coordinate schedules and find a place to meet.
"The traditional dating apps, like Tinder, turn into a form of entertainment," Lugasi said. "Guys and girls get on there and just message people for fun with no intention of going out. It leads to the same boring conversation, 'Hi, where are you from, what are you doing?' Those conversations end up going no where."
Meet Singles Where you are Going
Lugasi says this research was a primary reason why Weepo added a new service that allows singles to meet other singles based on the events where they are going.
This is the first mobile app that flips the dating process and puts location first. Singles pick a place before they pick a person.
Other Singles Data Uncovered in this Survey
The survey also asked singles about lifestyle issues, like what is their favorite night to go out, what is their drink of choice and how many singles did they actually meet in person over the last month.
This survey found men and women of similar age groups prefer to go out on different nights of the week. For example, women over the age of 34 say they prefer Monday nights, while men in the same age bracket prefer Fridays – the night when women ages 28-33 are going out. Here's a closer look at those results.
What is your favorite night of the week to go out?
WOMEN - Ages 18-23 - Prefer Saturdays
WOMEN - Ages 24-27 - Prefer Thursdays
WOMEN - Ages 28-33 - Prefer Fridays
WOMEN - Ages 34+ prefer Mondays
MEN - Ages 18-23 prefer Saturdays
MEN - Ages 24-27 prefer Fridays
MEN - Ages 28-33 prefer Saturdays
MEN - Ages 34+ prefer Fridays
Weepo has created an infographic that details more of the results from this survey. For more information or to review it, contact:
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Source: Weepo
Tags: dating apps, drinking, nightlife events singles, social events near me, tinder, weepo