DSI Launches Capital Asset Tracking Software.

Redmond, Washington/ Dynamic Systems, Inc., a Redmond, Washington software developer specializing in data collection applications has announced the release of a low cost Asset Tracking Program based on bar code technology.

About Dynamic Systems (DSI)
Checkmate's Suite of software offers a solution for small to mid-sized companies who want to track their important assets. The software shares inventory and badge databases, allowing easy integration of functions. In business since 1981, DSI provides bar code systems including tool & equipment management, service and maintenance scheduler, document tracking, inventory control, time and attendance, and job costing. Bar code data collection is proven to be the most accurate and efficient method of tracking or counting items.

Release of Asset Manager
CheckMate Capital Assets allows you to control your equipment, furniture, computers - their location, value and condition. Take physical inventory and compare to your current information. Keep updated records and print reports.

"I'm impressed with the simplicity and adaptability of your Asset Program. It's affordable for all companies, even those with just a few employees," stated Bill Allen, Process Control Consultant.

Cost Justification
Barcode data collection is virtually 100% accurate and fast. It eliminates the time spent recording the information and then keying it into the computer. It only takes a minute to check an asset out or in, and if the company's staff spends even 20 minutes a day searching for items, the overhead savings is dramatic. "Our customers see a typical payback for the Tool Manager within 3-4 months," states Alison Falco, President of Dynamic Systems.

Rob Freeman [email protected]
425-284-1662 (direct)


Tags: assets, barcodes, equipment, fixed assets, furniture, inventory, laptops, Software, vehicles

About Dynamic Systems

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CheckMate™ & SIMBA™ are barcode tracking solutions
Software Designed & Developed to specifically target the demands of diverse industries: Seafood, Produce Processors; Tool, Equipment Management; Law Enforcement, Document Tracking, Asset Tracking

Rob Freeman
Press Contact, Dynamic Systems
Dynamic Systems
15339 NE 90Th St
Redmond, WA 98052
United States