DTR Inc. CEO Jay Goldberg's Free Seminar on College Sports Recruiting a Success, More Scheduled

All attendees of the first free seminar completed surveys and gave the seminar high marks. The next two seminars will be held on Monday, Nov 7th and Monday, November 21st.

The free seminar on the college sports recruiting process held on Monday, October 24th was a big success. This informational, not sales event proved to be very valuable for all the attendees.

A short one-page survey was distributed after the seminar to obtain feedback on its effectiveness. 100% of the attendees scored the seminar, the information provided, the presentation itself and the knowledge of the speaker as very effective or effective.

In addition, all indicated that they considered understanding the college sports recruiting process and making good strategic decisions throughout the process very important, and all indicated that they knew more about the college sports recruiting process after the seminar than they did prior to the seminar.

As a result, DTR Inc. CEO, Jay Goldberg, is announcing that there will be two free seminars on the college sports recruiting process in November. Both seminars will be held at Jupiter High School from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The first will be held on Monday November 7th, 2011; the second on Monday, November 21st, 2011.

The topics for the seminars include:

In what grade do college coaches start looking at athletes?
What is the NCAA Clearing House?
Are sports scholarships a set amount or can you negotiate?
What can you do to ensure you get questionnaires and calls from college coaches?
How does the recruiting process work?
What is the most dangerous time during recruiting?
What role should your high school coach play in the process?
How important are grades/test scores in getting scholarships?
Just how many sports scholarships are there?
And much, much more

For more information and to register for the free seminar go to http://www.CollegeSportsRecruitingInfo.com. Seats are limited based on classroom size.


Tags: college, cpoa, Jay Goldberg, Jupiter, palm beach county, Palm Beach Gardens, recruiting, Scholarships, seminar, sports

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Jay Goldberg
Press Contact, DTR Inc.
DTR Inc.
P.O. Box 7291
Delray Beach, FL
United States