Duda|Paine Architects Named Master Planner and Lead Architect for the Western Campus Extension of North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Internationally-recognized Architecture Firm Chosen to Lead Master Plan Development Based on Vision, Experience and Design
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Duda|Paine Architects, a premier international design firm headquartered in Durham, N.C., announces it has been selected as Lead Architect and Master Planner for the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) new western campus master plan.

This expansion, located on state-owned property in Morganton, N.C., will accommodate approximately 300 students in a residential and learning community, increasing NCSSM’s capacity to serve more of the state’s qualified and talented students. NCSSM has commissioned Duda|Paine to assist in developing the new campus’ vision and educational program plan, including architectural design, budgeting, construction phasing strategies, and new construction and renovation of exisiting facilities located on the property.

"North Carolina School of Science and Math is a leading educational institution for high school juniors and seniors, and we are honored to take part in this campus expansion and catalyst for growth in Morganton and western North Carolina."

Jeffrey Paine, Founding Principal

“North Carolina School of Science and Math is a leading educational institution for high school juniors and seniors, and we are honored to take part in this campus expansion and catalyst for growth in Morganton and western North Carolina,” says Jeff Paine, Founding Principal, Duda|Paine Architects. “The design of the new campus will create a place that inspires innovation and reflects the area’s history and community.”

The North Carolina General Assembly included $58 million in funding for the new western NCSSM campus in the Connect NC Bond proposal. Voters approved the bond referendum in March 2016; the bond provides NCSSM property that currently serves Broughton Hospital and the Western North Carolina School for the Deaf. Duda|Paine was selected to create the master plan development based on its leadership, design process and thoughtful engagement. The firm will help lead an advance planning team determining the educational program, site location and design of the NCGA-funded campus.

Duda|Paine has selected BELK Architecture as Associate Architect and Robert B. Salsbury as Local Architect to provide project support. The campus expansion is expected to be completed by May 2021.

About Duda|Paine Architects:

Duda|Paine Architects provides a full complement of design, interior design, architectural, planning and master planning services to a diverse array of international and national corporate, academic, wellness and cultural arts clients. The firm’s enduring success results from an idea-based design process that engages participants and fosters inspiration to achieve visionary built work. For additional information, please call Duda|Paine at (919) 688-5133 or visit http://www.dudapaine.com.

Source: Duda|Paine Architects


Tags: Durham, Jeffrey Paine, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

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Duda|Paine Architects provides a full complement of design, interior design, architectural, planning and master planning services to a diverse array of international and national corporate, academic, wellness and cultural arts clients.

Duda|Paine Architects
333 Liggett Street
Durham, NC 27701
United States