E Caerus Guides Westhampton Public Library To LEED Gold

Brian Sutton, LEED AP, of eCaerus recently led the Town Center Library Project, Westhampton, Massachusetts to LEED Gold.

Mr. Sutton was brought into the project by the building committee specifically to address missing and incomplete prerequisites in order to meet the requirements of a $100,000 grant from the MA Board of Library Commissioners.

As consultant and administrator Brian worked with the project's architect Jeffrey Hoover (Tappe Associates, Boston, MA) to shepherd a virtual army of professionals and volunteers working together to complete this exemplary community-centered project as it sought to achieve certification under the LEED For New Construction rating system.

LEED For New Construction is part of the multi-tracked Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating System designed by the US Green Building Council to encourage and facilitate the development of more sustainable buildings.

Under Brian's guidance, the project was able to achieve a Gold rating with 39 points.

Mr Sutton was personally responsible for achieving 23 of the 39 points achieved and for meeting 4 of the 7 prerequisites. The points achieved by Mr Sutton included 5 site credits, 4 water efficiency credits, 1 energy credit, 2 materials credits, 6 indoor environmental quality credits and all 5 Innovation in Design credits.

The Innovation in Design credits included exemplary performance for Protect and Restore Habitat; Maximize Open Space; Green Building Education and Green Cleaning / Sustainable Purchasing.

The Library Building Committee was extraordinarily ambitious and motivated, and Mr Sutton credits their enthusiasm and vision with reaching beyond the mundane idea of "library" as a book repository to a create a living, breathing community center.

"Our mission is to create a new public library building where our friends and neighbors will feel a compelling desire to congregate, create, learn, celebrate, and/or reflect now and for generations to come. Our goal is to build a beautiful, easily maintained structure that blends into our historic and bucolic town center while providing a warm and inviting interior that will flexibly meet the programming needs of our citizens both now and in the future."

• from the Westhampton Library Center Project Narrative

According to Brian, "The entire experience was a pleasure. Great building committee with everyone fully committed to creating an environmentally responsible, green building that can serve the community now and well into the future."

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Brian Sutton, LEED AP has well over 25 years of hands on construction and project management experience. Originally a master carpenter by trade, Brian is familiar with all aspects of building and renovating in both the commercial and residential sectors. Mr Sutton began his sustainable practice 1990's. Brian is certified by the Associated General Contractors of New York to deliver LEED workshops and training, and is instrumental with the development of new or private workshops. He is on the Board of Directors for the USGBC NY Upstate Chapter and steering committee for the Berkshire Branch.

For more information about eCaerus visit www.eCaerus.com. Contact Brian Sutton at [email protected].

More information about the Westhampton Public Library can be found on their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Westhampton-Public-Library/106895156009928.

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Tags: eCaerus sustainable solutions, Green building, Green construction management, LEED administration, LEED certification, LEED Gold

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Brian Sutton
Press Contact, eCaerus Inc.
eCaerus Inc.
80 Brush Hill Road, Great Barrington MA
Great Barrington, MA 01230
United States