E Cig Smokers Don't Miss Chance To Win $10000

Blu cigs - an electronic cigarette brand is in the market with the evolution of e cigarette. Blu cigs has now launched 1 Blu pack that can hold 5 cartridges and can charge your batteries on the spot

Blu cigs - an electronic cigarette brand is in the market with the evolution of e cigarette. Blu cigs has now launched 1 Blu pack that can hold 5 cartridges and can charge your batteries on the spot. This is something new for e cigarette users, because now they can hold 5 cartridges at a time. Five cartridges mean five flavors every time in the pack.

Blu cigs launches a new quiz for their users. Now anyone can post his\her amazing video with blu on web to have a chance to win $10,000. It can be anything a dance, any performance any short play or anything that relates to blu cig. Anyone that had done anything interesting with blu can be posted on web to win $10,000. The only condition in this quiz is that the contestant must be at least 18 years old.

Blu cigs is also providing 30 days money back guarantee on their starter kit. If one look on the electronic cigarette reviews for blu cigs, then he\she can easily see how blu cig is doing to help e cigarette users. So that users can choose the flavor they like the most. Well there are so many flavors already available in the market. The main problem that user faces while they are looking for blu cig is that they don't know where to buy blu cigs. So to clear their query on blu cig one can visit on web for the reviews and places where these cigs are available. Well these blu cigs easily available on its official site. One can buy this product online by visiting blu cigs official website.

So a chance of winning $10,000 and a new pack that can hold 5 cartridges is now available with blu cigs. That is something that can seek anyone's attention.

visit for more info....http://www.saudi-un-ny.net/blu-cigs.html


Tags: blu cig, blu cigs, blu cigs refill, where to buy blu cigs

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