E-commerce Shopping Cart Software Offers Pre- and After-Sales Package to Boost Business
Online, September 16, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Any online business can be a daunting task to set up and business ecommerce systems no less so. While there are a number of shopping cart software packages offered with auto-responder packages and easy installation features, most of these tools do not involve themselves with pre and post sales funnels designed to increase EPC (Earnings Per Click) and customer retention after the sale.
Setting up even a simple ecommerce shopping cart can be a surprisingly difficult task, especially for someone who is not computer savvy. The right ecommerce shopping cart software for most of us eases this task tremendously by hosting the security components
on a PCI compliant system that has been verfied by Visa and or MasterCard personnel, who physically visit the installation location to report on compliance on dozens and dozens of audit points.
The "Online E-commerce Shopping Cart Software" boasts of being unique. It can be used to build a deep sales funnel with integrated email marketing tools that allow businesses to automatically e-mail potential customers in advance of the actual sale, and to switch off to a different set of email auto-responders immediately after the sale.
Picture this: One sends an automated set of messages to a 600 potential clients during the week, 35 decided during various days that they liked the credibility of the messenger and therefore the product being discussed, they buy the product between day 10 and day 14. On that same day, each client potentially gets a 'thank you" e-mail message with further instructions on what to do when the product eventually arrives. This customization and automation increases customer retention and augers well for repeat sales from the same customer.
BestEcommerceSolution.com encapsulates the features that make its Online Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software a practical shopping cart software choice. This product guarantees to make the workflow of a business more streamlined and more personal for customers. It is also easy to use, making this tool highly efficient.
If your current ecommerce shopping cart provider is limiting the way you do business, or overwhelming you with multiple services management, http://bestecommercesolution.com/ is the place to visit. Thinking about boosting customer confidence in your business? Let the Online E-commerce Shopping Cart Software do the work for you. Find out how today.
Tags: eCommerce, ecommerce business, ecommerce shopping cart, ecommerce small business, Online shopping cart, online shopping cart software, shopping cart, Shopping Cart software