E4E Solutions, LLC is Now a DOE Qualified Energy Service Company

Department of Energy Certifies E4E Solutions, LLC as a Qualified Energy Service Company

E4E Solutions, LLC was recently certified by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program as a Qualified Energy Service Company (ESCO). DOE Qualified List companies are eligible to perform energy-savings performance contracting at any federal agency.

E4E has developed, engineered and implemented energy-related projects for its Industrial & commercial clients for many years. Our focus is on energy efficiency, water efficiency as well as renewable energy projects. E4E offers financing and incentive/grant sourcing for all of our customers, as part of our Energy Savings Services.

"The certification of E4E by DOE as a Qualified Energy Service Company is a testament and seal of approval for the sustainability services we provide for our clients," said Josh Long, CEO of E4E Solutions, LLC.

With this designation, E4E looks forward to broadening our efforts into the federal government, bringing full solutions including financing for energy efficiency projects. An energy-savings performance contract project is a partnership between a federal agency and an ESCO like E4E. E4E can now provide a comprehensive energy audit for federal facilities to identify improvements to save energy. Next, through consultation with the federal agency, E4E designs and constructs the project(s) that meet the agency's needs and arranges the necessary financing. E4E guarantees that the improvements will generate energy cost savings sufficient to pay for the project, as well as to provide financial benefits to the client, over the term of the contract. After the contract ends, all additional cost savings accrue to the agency. Contract terms up to 25 years are allowed.

E4E Solutions, LLC is a leader in environmental, sustainable, energy solutions, and design/build construction services.

For more information about E4E Solutions, LLC, visit www.e4esolutions.com.


E4E Solutions, LLC
Michael McMurtry
[email protected]

Source: E4E Solutions


Tags: Energy, Energy Efficiency, ESCO Services