Earl "A Reading App for the Blind with Published Author Belo Cipriani" Interview on American Council of the Blind Radio

Noted author Belo Cipriani will appear on ACB Radio to talk about accessible technology and the role Earl™, the accessible vision-free iOS app plays in creating a better living experience for the sight-impaired community.

Belo Cipriani author of "Blind: A Memoir" will join the American Council of the Blind Radio on Wed. July 17th,10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific to talk about assistive technology for the blind and sight-impaired. His primary focus will be on accessible iOS applications that allow the user to access textual content by using voice. Featured will be the Earl™ application developed by Angle in Eugene, OR.

Earl is a voice driven application for iPhones, iPads, and iPods that uses voice commands to access newspaper, magazine, website and book content. The content is then read to the user by flowing, non-robotic voices.

Belo will talk about the usability of such apps as Earl™ and how they improve the quality of life for the users of assistive technology. He also speaks of the hurdles faced by impaired users of technology and how technologies like Earl™ are "gateways" to confidence for the new user who can sometimes be intimidated by today's technological innovations.

Join Brian McCallen on ACB Radio Mainstream's Speaking Out for the Blind as he interviews Belo in his informative style.

Belo is the author of a Blind: A Memoir (May 2011) chronicles the two years immediately following the 2007 assault. At the age of twenty-six, Cipriani found himself learning to walk, cook, and date in the dark. Armed with visual memory and his newly developed senses, he shows readers what the blind see.[3] He narrates the recondite world of the blind, where microwaves, watches, and computers talk, and where guide dogs guard as well as lead.


Tags: accessible, american council of the blind, Belo Cipriani, iPad, iPhone, news reader, technology, Voice command

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David Bong
Press Contact, Angle llc
Angle llc
44 West Broadway, Suite 220
Eugene, OR 97401
United States