Easily Modified Vapor Hood System Provides a Compact Solution to Oil Skimming Needs

Oil Skimmers, Inc.'s Vapor Hood System, which includes a Model 6V oil skimmer, is now customizable to fit the specific oil skimming needs of each customer.

The Vapor Hood Offers a Neater, Cleaner, and Safer Installation of the Model 6V

Originally designed for above ground, enclosed tanks, Oil Skimmers, Inc.'s Vapor Hood System is now customizable to fit the specific needs of each customer. Their Vapor Hood System is a mounting structure and enclosure for the Model 6V Oil Skimmer, which enables customers to have an economical and simple installation of a complete system. The Vapor Hood prevents VOC's from escaping into the atmosphere, and it also isolates the electric motor of the Model 6V Oil Skimmer from the skimming area. It can be useful for outdoor applications in which the skimmer needs to be protected from inclement weather and in high-traffic factories and plants where it can provide a neater, cleaner, and safer installation in a compact and aesthetically pleasing package.

Engineers at Oil Skimmers, Inc. have the ability to customize their Vapor Hood System to meet the needs of specific applications. Recently, a snack food processor was getting oil and grease in the plant wastewater, which collected in a below ground sump. Vacuum service for removing the oil was too expensive. A Model 6Vwith a customized Vapor Hood provided a more cost-effective solution. Oil Skimmers, Inc. extended the height of the Vapor Hood to allow for gravity discharge, enlarged the typical three inch diameter discharge pipe to a four inch pipe due to the thickness of the material being skimmed, and added a specially designed electric controller.

Other modifications can include timers to be set to turn the skimmer on/off automatically; various decanting or collection pans; heating options; and adaptor plates can be used which allow the skimmer to be placed on any tank, sump, or manhole. With thousands of systems in operation, some for over 30 years, Oil Skimmers provides reliable, cost-saving oil skimmers with excellent customer service and support for dependable, continuous removal of oil from process liquids and wastewater. Visit our website or request more information here.


Tags: Model 6V, oil, oil removal, oil skimmers, Vapor Hood, wastewater

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Jim Petrucci
Press Contact, Oil Skimmers, Inc
Oil Skimmers, Inc
12800 York Rd
North Royalton, OH 44133
United States