East Forum 2015 Global (Dis)Order: Can International Trade Agreements Revive Growth?

Rome, July 6, 2015 (Newswire.com) - These days are being discussed some of the most important global agreements that are going to reshape World economic panorama. In particular TTIP and TPP are likely to have a major impact on global markets because of their transversal nature.
These agreements have been long criticized because of their “secret” nature and citizens seem to be scared of their possible consequences on their lives. Detractors see the TTIP as an expression of ‘hyper globalization’ that could negatively affect consumers’’ and workers’ rights, as well as national quality and safety standards. Many critics predict increased multinational corporation power and capacity to influence governments and lawmakers for their own benefit.
On the other hand, supporters see these agreements as a way to revive growth, since they could extend global trade to emerging countries. Plus they could imply a strong reduction of costs of international trade due to the elimination and/or drastic reduction of tariffs and other barriers.
What the global order will be after international trade agreements such as the TPP and TTIP entry into force? What will be their impact on European citizens’ lives? Will they be able to contribute to boost economic growth? These topics will be debated at East Forum 2015. Global (Dis)Order: Can International Trade Agreements Revive Growth? That will be held in Rome on July 16th. During the event, representatives of national and European organizations and institutions, scholars, opinion makers, and internationally renowned experts will exchange their views on these hot topics.
The East Forum will be structured in 3 three main panels:
Trade agreements: reshaping the global order. This panel will focus on how TTIP and TTP will reshape the global order of both Western and Eastern countries, since they will influence global economies.
Trade agreements for growth. The second panel will focus on how global agreements can help reviving global growth especially by creating new opportunities of trade with emerging countries.
Trade agreements: what opportunities exist for the business in Europe? The third panel will focus especially on Europe and on how the TTIP can help boosting European economy.
More information
Where: Roma Eventi – Piazza di Spagna, Via Alibert 5, 00178 Rome, Italy
When: 16th July from 8.50 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Free registration and more information on: www.eastforum.it
Tags: East Forum 2015, economics, Europe, global trade, TPP, TTIP, US