Ebook Says Santa Christina (Mrs. Claus) Now Delivers Half the Toys With Her Sled Dogs

The real name of Mrs. Claus is Santa Christina, says the author of a new children's eBook. Parents and children have overlooked "Mrs. Claus" for more than a hundred years, not even knowing her real name, according to the author. He titled his book "Meet Santa Christina ('Mrs. Claus')" encouraging children to know her better. He said Santa Christina does more than knit sweaters and bake cookies--she mushes with seven sled dogs and delivers half the Christmas toys.

Santa Christina is the real name of Mrs. Claus, and she now helps her husband by delivering half the Christmas toys by dog sled, reports a newly published children's eBook.

The eBook's title is Meet Santa Christina ("Mrs. Claus"). Its 88-year-old author, George William Kelly, of New York City, says it is time for children and parents to meet and get to know the real Santa Christina.

"For more than a hundred years Santa Claus got all the attention," Kelly comments. "Santa Christina was overlooked. People did not know her real name. They just called her 'Mrs. Claus.' They thought she only knitted sweaters and baked cookies. It was Santa Claus and the reindeer who created Christmas excitement with their delivery of toys and gifts beneath the tree."

Actually, according to Kelly, Santa Christina mushes year-round with her seven sled dogs. He added that Santa Claus asked Santa Christina to help deliver toys after a race around the Arctic Circle proved that her sled dogs could run as fast as his reindeer.

Kelly said his eBook, Meet Santa Christina ("Mrs. Claus"), is a Smashwords Edition, available both from www.smashwords.com or from its various associated eBook retailers. It is offered at a free introductory download price through 2015. Kelly added that other information about Santa Christina is available on his blog, www.santachristina.wordpress.com . Both the blog and the eBook include a blank "Santa Christina Wish List" and a Santa Christina Christmas carol sung to the tune of the widely known children's hymn, "Jesus Loves Me."

Santa Christina's sled dogs have names and personalities, like Santa Claus' reindeer, Kelly's eBook reveals. It lists the dogs' names as Ginger, Strudel, Cocoa, Marzipan, Stollen, Nutmeg, and Haark, with Haark as the lead dog of the team. 
