EBS, Inc. Unveils Their Patent-Pending STORM REGEN® Technology
Online, May 22, 2013 (Newswire.com) - The 37th Annual Water Environment School was 3 days of continuing education seminars, workshops, and an Exhibitor Display showcasing solutions for stormwater and wastewater management, permitting, processing, and demonstrations on-site as well as off-site field trip opportunities. While the school does not endorse any specific product or service, it encourages industry vendors and manufacturers to participate and provide presentations on what is available. Representatives from DEQ, ODOT and most of the local city and county agencies attended as well as facilities and maintenance management teams. Each had their own areas of specific interest but all were happy to have the opportunity to hear from others in the increasingly complex requirements of modern waste management and its growing impact on our environment. Sponsored by the Oregon Water Education Foundation (ORWEF), 11 session tracks were run simultaneously covering the gamut of management, operations and treatment. A reoccurring theme of the sessions was the emerging new technologies in wastewater treatment and the increasing documentation and reporting requirements by state and federal agencies.
The event provided the perfect venue for EBS, Inc. to unveil their patent-pending STORM REGEN® Technology. Jim Hinkley, founder of Environmental Business Solutions presented an overview of this revolutionary approach to Stormwater regeneration to a room full of questioning looks that slowly turned to understanding during the hour long session. Hinkley described the Storm Regen two-phase separation (liquids and solids) process of stormwater or light industrial wastewater. Following separation the Storm Regen liquid filtration and liquid "regeneration' process occurs and the previously contaminated water is recycled and reused. These regenerated original liquids are then returned back to the original vessel. The remaining contaminated wastewater is disposed of at a significantly reduced cost and liability than current traditional vac-truck stormwater solutions allow. This process raised the question of how this was different than "Decanting back into the catchbasin". Hinkley explained that, up until now, once liquid is removed from a catch basin it becomes wastewater and you cannot legally put it back. Instead it has to be hauled away and disposed of in an approved manner. Storm Regen separation and recycling technology now provides the opportunity to put treated water back into the catch basin.
Hinkley went on to explain that Storm Regen was designed as a maintenance program for industrial facilities with multiple storm drains and/or catch basins that discharge stormwater and not meant to act as a blanket replacement of traditional methods that still offer a viable solution for some operations such as single catch basin treatments or emergency pumping services.
The Storm Regen 3-Step Program involves an Initial Comprehensive Job Site Evaluation that includes: Site Logistics, Obstacles or Availability and determining Supply, Replacement or Repair Needs. Step 2: Storm Regen facilitated. Step 3 The EBS "Post Packet Document" (PPD) exceeding all Storm Water Pollution Control Program (SWPCP) minimums.
The presentation was met with many questions regarding the mobile unit (see attached slide show) and the DEQ approval status for this innovative process. As the questions were answered the Storm Regen solution and the resulting benefits, including increased efficiency and sustainability, became apparent as did the cost savings and reporting benefits. The presentation wrapped up with final thoughts from a couple of Water School Committee members.
Luke Bushman, Stormwater Management Coordinator brought up the question of EBS field technicians and their training/ certifications including the ability of EBS to issue compliance certifications. Hinkley was clearly proud to offer that all EBS project managers and field technicians are licensed, bonded and maintain current certifications in 40 Hr HAZWOPER, Confined Space Entry and Rescue, Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC), and Class A Endorsements. This dedication to safety and Best Management Practices is reflected in their Experience Modification Rating (EMR) of 0.95, zero lost time and zero incidents in over 200,000 labor hours.
John Nagy, Surface Water Technician, brought the question and answer portion of the presentation to a close by offering to the group the takeaway as he saw it: "Transportation of liquids off-site equals expensive downtime and increased transportation liability. A catch basin cleaning and liquid recycling system is price efficient due to providing more time on-site rather than shuttling water back and forth."
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EBS Storm Regen® technology is utilizing the latest advancements in sustainable practices for resolving, reducing and/or reclaiming industrial wastewater to expertly manage collection, treatment, disposal, and recycling of stormwater runoff. This new solution is pioneering the way to more effective, Eco-friendly stormwater solutions and proving advantageous when compared to traditional single-phase methods (i.e. Vactor Truck combining liquid and solids).
Storm Regen and the Storm Regen logo are registered trademarks of Environmental Business Solutions. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Disclaimer: Reference herein to any specific service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Oregon Water Education Foundation (ORWEF). The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the ORWEF and should not be considered an endorsement by ORWEF.
Tags: ebs, Jim Hinkley, ORWEF, Storm Regen, Stormwater maintenance, Stormwater Recycling, Wastewater Management, Water School Clackamas or