Eckankar News: Spiritual Seminar to Answer "What Is Life About?"
Online, March 8, 2012 ( - Eckankar presents the 2012 Eckankar Springtime Seminar, "Spiritual Transformation in The Year of Graceful Living," on Friday, April 6, through Sunday, April 8, 2012, at the Hilton Minneapolis, 1001 Marquette Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar and an award-winning author of more than seventy-five books, will be the featured speaker. In his talks he offers answers to the age-old question What is life about?
"Each of you has a spiritual purpose for coming into this lifetime."
- Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar
Guests may register at the seminar for complimentary Saturday sessions by going to the Eckankar Guest Welcome Center in the Hilton Minneapolis second-floor foyer. Drop in or stay all day. More information about the seminar and online preregistration are available at
Peter Skelskey, president of Eckankar, says, "Seminar workshops can help people gain needed insights into daily living. One young man was feeling drawn to attend a college in Miami-a big decision. He came to an Eckankar workshop and participated in an interactive exercise and sang HU (pronounced hue), an ancient way to let the Holy Spirit guide you to what's best for you. By the end of the workshop, the man felt that he had found the answer to his question. In practical ways an Eckankar workshop, like the kind that will be presented at the upcoming seminar, can give people clues and spiritual tools to discover more of what life is all about for them."
The seminar's main program also features talks, panels, and creative arts. Small roundtable discussions, informal spiritual chats, and social gatherings present opportunities to meet people of like spiritual mind and heart from around the world. The seminar program explores topics such as past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel. This reflects interests revealed in a 2009 Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life poll. The survey found that large numbers of Americans mix religious practices and elements of diverse traditions, including beliefs such as reincarnation.
The seminar's keynote speaker, Harold Klemp, says, "The teachings of ECK help people find a way to make sense out of this life. We all want to understand why we're who we are, why we have what we have. But even more, we want to know why we don't have what we think we should have." Also, "If we look at life from the viewpoint of a divine being, there is a purpose to this existence. We want to get enough experience to someday gain the compassion, the patience, and all the other qualities needed to become a Co-worker with God."
For people who are new to Eckankar (guests), the seminar includes a complimentary day and evening on Saturday, April 7. An introduction to Eckankar with question-and-answer sessions takes place from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and continues from 11:30 to noon at the Hilton Minneapolis, Marquette V, Second Floor. Topics of the morning and afternoon guest workshops are: "Understanding Eckankar" and "Life-Changing Spiritual Exercises."
After Harold Klemp's keynote talk at the Saturday-evening session, there will be a "Guest Chat"-an informal discussion where guests can ask questions and share experiences. An attendee at a previous Eckankar seminar said, "Words can't begin to encompass the spiritual gifts bestowed here. My mission to serve all life has come into sharp focus, as have tools to use to enable me to fulfill my goals."
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Tags: 2012, eckankar, Harold, hu, klemp, seminar, Spiritual, spirituality, springtime