Eco-Friendly Online Surf Shop Donates 5% of Sales To Gulf Cleanup
Online, July 1, 2010 ( - CARDIFF, CA - Envirosurfer, an online eco-friendly surf shop, has announced that 5% of their sales for the month of July will be donated to the Nature Conservancy's Fund for Gulf Coast Restoration to support their ocean clean up initiative. With the largest oil spill in United States history still spilling into our ocean, Envirosurfer is one of many companies lending support to the clean up efforts.
In 2009, San Diego County surfer Brandon Moyles founded Envirosurfer after realizing the need for the surf industry to reduce its reliance on petroleum based surf products. "It was when the first few surf companies began launching 'eco-friendly' lines that I realized there was no longer a need to sacrifice performance and style to be more environmentally friendly."
As the average consumer is becoming more aware of a green based economy, Envirosurfer was created to provide environmentally conscious surfers with eco friendly surf products that will not only support their surfing but help them have a positive impact on the planet too.
According to Moyles, each product that is available through Envirosurfer is carefully selected and researched. "I examine the production process of the products we carry, making sure they're manufactured in an earth friendly way. We don't just promote products that claim to be eco-friendly, we actually go back to the production process to make sure that the claims that manufacturers make really are safe for the environment." Envirosurfer carries a full line of surf apparel, wetsuits and accessories.
"I wanted to come up with a way to support the Gulf clean up and also make certain that as a company, we don't just promote a lifestyle, but we actually live it too." Moyles said in regards to the five percent donation to the Gulf Coast Restoration project. "This is Envirosurfer's opportunity to assist in the cleanup efforts and we're jumping on it."
For more information visit, or for more information about the Nature Conservancy's Gulf restoration project visit,
Tags: surf apparel, surf clothes, Surf Shop