Ecolific's Abide Systems CEO Announces Wireless-to-Cloud Connection with Aqua Management, Inc.

The CEO of Ecolific Technologies and Abide Systems, R.P. "Mick", announced a contract has been made with Aqua Management, Inc. (AMI) of Las Vegas, NV to offer the most advanced cloud-based environmental and building systems controllers available.

Northeastern USA distributors, manufacturers, contractors, agricultural facilities, commercial end-users and consumers can now get direct access to cloud-based data storage, reports and records of systems usage and performance, as well as systems control capabilities with a new wireless controller from Aqua Management, Inc.

Highly secure, based on government security protocols, it's "app-driven". So, entire farm irrigation systems, towering turbines, underground sewer lift pump stations and even tiny home comfort systems can be controlled with a Smartphone using this technology.

Reducing utility costs is really all about repurposing energy. It's the same for everyone, whether it's a luxury home, a beach bungalow, an apartment complex, a skyscraper, industrial building, manufacturing facility, golf course, farm, dairy or laboratory.

To maximize savings, end-users need better control over the various systems driving their business or personal lives. These are the fluids, fuels, water, hydraulics, electricity, air supplies (and vacuums), gases, heating and cooling systems -and all energy and utilities consuming systems.


Aqua Management, Inc. is a Las Vegas, Nevada based engineering and service company. Realizing that their technology transcended the ability to remotely control pumps and storage tanks by wirelessly transmitting data to the "cloud," they're now making this technology available for a very large assortment of equipment.

While this release adds to Aqua Management's line of "cloud" computing products and services, its broad market appeal positions the company not only as pioneer but as the definitive market leader.

True systems control starts with the ability to see - and when necessary alter - what the actual equipment is doing; change the pump or fan pressures, modulate dampers, increase or decrease storage tank levels or temperatures, etc.

AMI's technology includes the capacity for wireless (cell) and satellite communications.


Penetrating through existing technologies into a new dimension of machinery access and control altogether, in February of this year Aqua Management announced the release of - their latest product - the AMI Vapor™. It's a cloud-based, wireless-technology systems controller with amazing versatility for controlling equipment produced by an immense variety of manufacturers.

Since the product itself is application (app) driven, the AMI Vapor™ can enhance any standard mechanical, electrical or PLC device by giving it SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) capabilities. It also has the ability to manipulate thermostats, lighting, appliances and security systems.

A pressure drop caused by a fluid leak, a surge in power consumption or any number of other things may trigger an alert. A warning message is automatically flashed to the user or systems manager/monitor, and Vapor's easy to use interface allows the recipient to take instant corrective measures.


Perhaps one of your systems has a seemingly tiny issue that only shows up once in a while. With AMI's technology, it's much quicker and easier to find and repair problems, saving uncountable wasted man hours to search out and find problems, not to mention the material (water, fuel, electricity) savings. AMI's clients have already realized millions of dollars in savings with their systems.

With a wide range of applications that go far beyond pump control, AMI already has numerous customized SCADA solutions for its Vapor™ technology, and more apps are being released weekly. VFD's (variable speed drives), VSF's (variable speed fans), motorized and air-actuated duct dampers (for zoning HVAC systems) and a plethora of other devices can be simultaneously controlled and calibrated with a Vapor™ system.

AMI provides controllers for many different pumps, fans and equipment. They're encouraging manufacturers to submit their equipment and specifications so apps can be developed - a potential boon as developing control software and systems can be a huge expense.


Vapor's most advanced competitors are still using older proprietary "hosted and centrally managed" technology; a sort-of "keeping all your eggs in one basket" approach. Aqua Management's cloud-based environmental control solutions offer additional levels of redundancy - essentially "mirrors of mirrors of mirrors" which won't ever lose any data, even minutia - an ability not readily available from other proprietary centrally managed services.

Not only do Aqua Management's cloud-based storage solutions for its Vapor™ controllers never lose data, the controllers have the ability to report and control thousands of functions on numerous devices simultaneously.

One client added flow meters for his facility and connected them to a Vapor system. A short time later he collected 8 years of overpayments back from the water company!


AMI Vapor™ broadens Aqua Management's cloud based services by bringing automation, management and information to a wide variety of industries. AMI Vapor™ allows for remote programming, management, diagnostics and reporting via any web-enabled device such as a desktop computer, laptop, iPad or tablet or smart phone. The product communicates wirelessly via the cellular network, or, for wired installations, via Ethernet - through a customized web portal. Device access and data storage are backed up through Aqua Management's server network within the cloud. Aqua Management provides cloud based data warehousing services to streamline both technical support services and advanced engineering capabilities.


The technology to create highly energy-efficient, air-sealed habitats has now reached the point where it's now competitive with "conventional" construction techniques.

Current data reflects that creating more energy efficient environments can lower building operating costs 85% in many cases. For a homeowner, that means a $250 utility bill drops to less than $40, allowing them to pocket over $2,000 a year in savings. For large building owners and business operators, that can translate in serious "liquid" capital.

The standard AMI Vapor™ product is application specific and can be customized to bring any device to the cloud simply and cost effectively. Examples of current applications include pump systems, VFD (variable frequency drives), turf irrigation, agricultural irrigation and system integration, field based sensor input, flow management, lift stations and water transfer, tank level management, HVAC and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) processes to name a few. New applications are being continually added and customized solutions are available upon request.

The best part of this technology may be its surprising affordability, often coming in at less than the cost of other now antiquated "main-frame, centrally-hosted" services.


Mick's territory spreads from Buffalo, NY to Madawaska, Maine and Washington DC to eastern Canada. His whimsical perspective pervades his postulations.

"It's like bowling. The game won't progress until the ball starts rolling. These new technologies need to be out into the marketplace so they can begin to make their marks. If enough people can get these systems into their facilities, they're going to see bigger bottom lines.. and THAT will help to give this challenging economy a desperately needed boost."

For more information on getting an app developed for your equipment, becoming a distributor of AMI's Vapor™ or for becoming an Abide Systems Certified Contractor, visit, or contact Mick directly at Ecolific Technologies Abide Systems division by calling 888-537-1110 Ext. 2. Visit for details on their new AMI Vapor™ controllers.


Tags: construction, Energy Efficiency, green, high-performance, irrigation pump, LEED, water conservation, wireless controller

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R. P. Mick
Press Contact, Abide Systems
Abide Systems
247 Mohegan Road
Shelton, CT 06484
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