Edge Studio Benefits Blind/Dyslexic Through Social Media

The voice-over production and training group raises money and awareness for Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic.

When it comes to cooperation, what better match than between an organization full of professional readers, and those with reading disabilities who listen to professional readers.

That explains why, on December 20th, Edge Studio will launch a charitable venture to benefit Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D), an organization that works with leading publishers and technology innovators for individuals with visual and learning disabilities.

David Goldberg, Owner and Director of Edge Studio, a voice-over audio production and training company, said, "RFB&D refers readers to us for training because their listeners prefer natural-style deliveries. So this is our opportunity to give back."

Edge Studio will donate $1 to RFB&D each time a unique visitor clicks the "Like" link on Edge Studio's Facebook fan page between December 20 and January 4th. Edge Studio's Twitter and LinkedIn pages, as well as various Internet user groups, including Google, and Yahoo user groups, will include links to the Edge Studio fan page.

(See URLS below)

The goal is to simultaneously raise money and awareness for RFB&D, while launching Edge Studio into the realm of social media.

In addition to helping a good cause, being actively involved in social media will make Edge Studio even more helpful to budding and veteran voice talent, and to anyone else in the entertainment/Radio/TV industries involved with voice recording. Daily posts and Tweets will give suggestions, share information, and refer visitors to EdgeStudio.com website for its generous supply of other tools and free information.

"Not only will our launch into Social Media broaden our reach to help more voice actors, but it will also help a cause we strongly believe in." Mr. Goldberg said. "They want to hear readers, and we like to read! So supporting RFB&D is to everyone's benefit!"

Edge Studio
(http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Edge-Studio-Voice-Over-Industry-Center/170306269655118 )
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic


Tags: awareness, Charity, coaching, over, production, social media, training, VO, voice

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Vanessa Richardson
Press Contact, Edge Studio
Edge Studio
307 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1007
New York, NY 10001