Eduscape Launches SchoolWorks to Support Remote Learning

Comprehensive solution provides teachers with virtual teaching support

​Eduscape, one of North America’s leading K-12 professional learning organizations, has launched a solution to help schools support teachers as they shift to remote teaching, called remote SCHOOLWORKS. The program combines assessment, virtual professional development and recurring live, online office hours to provide ongoing support for teachers. It is designed for G Suite for Education, Microsoft Office 365 or Learning Management Systems.

The company developed the program in direct response to feedback from the over 30,000 educators that have attended their free Continuity of Learning webinars since March 17.

“We have read through every evaluation and email from webinar participants, and the overwhelming challenge for teachers has been how to maintain sound instructional design while they shift to remote teaching. Our team has responded with a solution that focuses on four critical pillars: communication, assessment, community and accessibility. We also want to model for teachers how to maintain practical feedback loops with their students and their peers as they adapt to a new paradigm of instruction.” stated Alex Urrea, Founder and Managing Partner of Eduscape.

remote SCHOOLWORKS maximizes the integration of Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or Learning Management Systems by leveraging critical tools within each platform that can be used to deliver quality instruction. One of the most important features of the program is the way teachers are guided to establish the right norms, routines and organizational models to develop, deploy and assess remote learning experiences for their students.

“Plan first, don’t react! Teachers are being bombarded with lists of free subscriptions to this app and that app, or yet another learning management system. I understand that lots of organizations want to help right now, but “free” isn’t always best. Teachers must plan first, select tools that align with their desired learning outcomes and take a step back before drinking from the fire hose. We know more than ever that teachers drive technology, NOT the other way around,” stated Urrea.

Source: Eduscape


Tags: distance learning, educational technology, remote learning

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The leading professional learning organization in the US that has developed and delivered professional development to 600,000+ educators and school leaders. Expertise: Interactive technologies, classroom productivity applications, STEM Education.

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