Edward Palonek reminds residents of South Dakota to file their claim for unclaimed money

Every day thousands of people lose track of their bank accounts, cash, stocks, bonds, refunds, safe deposit boxes and gift cards. Edward Palonek of foundmoney.com is helping people just like you reunite with their unclaimed cash.

Over 3,645 claims of unclaimed property were paid out in the State of South Dakota in 2008. The 2009 paid out of unclaimed money numbers can expect to be even higher, says Palonek , founder of foundmoney.com, his was the first company to make a search mechanism available on a Web Site for everyone to search for unclaimed property. Found Money was started in 1994 and specializes in unclaimed assets and has reunited thousands of people with their lost and forgotten money.

In 2009 over $2.8 million was given back to the rightful holders of unclaimed property, according to the State Treasurer's office, while in 2008 there over $2.5 million that was paid to unclaimed money owners. This could have been be a parent that had passed away or a relative or even a business that shout down. There are many reasons that people forget about this type of money. It could be that they moved, they got married and changed their name, forgot to cash a check or money order, or forgot about that tax refund.

"It never too late to start your search for unclaimed property", says Palonek. Someone in South Dakota could find themselves $400,000 richer, because that is one amount that is just sitting there waiting for the rightful owner to come forward and claim their new foundmoney.

"If you have never won a lottery this could be your winning unclaimed money ticket", say Edward Palonek.

One lucky person already made a claim for $300,000 in South Dakota, the largest unclaimed property that was given to the rightful owner.

You don't have to live in South Dakota to make a claim. If you lived there before or did business there at some time, you could still have some unclaimed assets just sitting there, waiting for you to come forward.

These unclaimed assets come from Stocks and Bonds, Checks, Wages/Payroll, Insurance, Court Deposits, Accounts, Utilities, Trusts, Mineral Interests and Safety Deposits Boxes in Banks. "Everyone can use a bit of help right now during this tough economic times, so don't delay and visit www.foundmoney.com for the possibility of finding some cash to help pay this bills", says Palonek.

Foundmoney at www.foundmoney.com
Edward Palonek at www.edwardpalonek.org


Tags: foundmoney, palonek, unclaimed money

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