Edwin Haynes Takes a Virtual Book Tour with Nonfiction Book Report

Author Edwin Haynes will participate in a virtual book and blog tour presented by Nonfiction Book Report for his book, "You Have Permission to Succeed".

People worldwide have goals they would like to accomplish during their lifetime; yet find themselves with feelings of being stuck in park. Who will be there to encourage them as they go through life's crossroads? Author Edwin Haynes says, "People can succeed, they have to know it".

Nonfiction Book Report presents a virtual book and blog tour for Edwin Haynes latest release, "You Have Permission to Succeed". From November 1st through November 20th, Author Haynes will discuss his own rags to riches story and the tools it took for him to become the success he is today.

Author Haynes is a business consultant operating at an international level and a successful entrepreneur. He is known for motivating people and guiding them through different stages of life. Having weathered the storms as a husband and father who lost everything from bankruptcy, foreclosure and repossession simultaneously while people were watching his every move, he saw no other options to provide for his family and took a step in a different direction he never thought the would go in. Having survived the tumultuous time, people began coming to Author Haynes asking what he did to turn his life around and get back on track.

Author Haynes writing "You Have Permission to Succeed" acts as a catalyst for those individuals that need encouragement to know they can succeed. The featured stops Author Haynes makes are the following:

October 31, 2012 - Black Author Network - http://tobtr.com/s/3700925

November 7, 2012 - Journey To Success Radio - 12:00pm CST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ideas-to-encourage-and-inspire/2012/11/07/organo-golds-edwin-haynes

Joey Pinkney - Blog Interview

November 13, 2012 - The Sharvette Mitchell Show at 5:40pm CST

November 14, 2012 - Book Tour Radio at 2pm CST

November 15, 2012 - Nonfiction Book Report Live at 2:30pm CST

Readers are invited to visit Mr. Haynes website at www.edwinhaynes.com . You Have Permission to Succeed" can be purchased through Amazon in both hardback and Kindle version at http://www.amazon.com/Have-Permission-Succeed-Navigating-Success/dp/0615352413

If you'd like to interview Mr. Haynes, contact him at [email protected]

About Edwin Haynes

Motivational speaker, international business consultant, corporate trainer and published author, Edwin Haynes continues to dominate his industry while empowering individuals worldwide to advance on both personal and professional levels. As a Trainer and International Business Consultant, he continues to make an indelible impression on those who he encounters daily.


Tags: life, success, vision

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