Efficiency Specialist Goes Global with Online Time Management Course

"I Have helped over 900 people reclaim on average 2.3 hours per day of lost time and increase their productivity by as much as 30%- I want to quadruple that number- at least!" says Spiteri.

Efficiency Specialist Angie Spiteri has decided to take her message to the world through the technology of the internet. Based in Perth Western Australia, Spiteri has been helping people get back time for over 6 years.

"I Have helped over 900 people reclaim on average 2.3 hours per day of lost time and increase their productivity by as much as 30%- I want to quadruple that number- at least!" says Spiteri. Looking at Angie herself leaves one with little doubt that she knows what she is talking about. "I have a 5 year old son, a one year old daughter, an elderly parent who lives with me and I also run two businesses. Life is a little hectic at times but we manage to fit everything in" she says as she smiles and tells me about the 6 week holiday around Europe she is planning with her musician husband.

Angie has been running Time Management courses in her home city of Perth for 6 years and providing efficiency and productivity coaching during that time also. With an increasing demand for her expertise in the Eastern States of Australia Angie decided to create her Time Management course in DVD and digital format to reduce her travel time and time away from her family. "My family are the most important element of my life" she says, "however, that doesn't stop me from wanting to help as many people as I can". Angie soon realised that by creating her digital course (available over the internet) she could not only reach the rest of Australia but also the rest of the world.

She now also provides a free online blog (http://www.generatingmoretime.com/blog) and gives away a free DVD called The 4 Secrets to Generating Time (http://generatingmoretime.com). If you think you could do with an extra 2.3 hours per day then make sure you don't miss out. This is one woman who is determined to take on the world.


Tags: time management, time management course, time management tips

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Daniel Smythe