Effie Miri's New Book "Iran, How a Culture Develops Pathology: The Pathology in Transition" Is a Telling Window Into the Life of an Iranian in the Present Day Society.

Recent release "Iran, How a Culture Develops Pathology: The Pathology in Transition" from Page Publishing author Effie Miri, Ph.D. is both enlightening and educational; this work depicts the culture, religion and psychology of Iran.

Effie Miri, Ph. D., a mother, doctor in psychology, professor, Iranian native, American citizen, has completed her work “Iran, How a Culture Develops Pathology: The Pathology in Transition”: a gripping and potent work about life, love and reflection.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Effie Miri’s mesmerizing autobiography is told as a reflection of the author’s personal experiences as she early on was forced to navigate two very different cultures on two very different continents. Her life experiences through this trying time as well as her later career as a psychotherapist, treating many Iranian Americans, compelled her put her life to paper. Her goal: to provide the reader with a story-like page-turner that is also informative, designed to educate those who may have shared her wild journey.

The author chose this title for her book because through her personal and her patients’ experiences, she believes the Iranian culture can breed fear, insecurity, self-doubt and even dishonesty in the people she lovingly describes as sharp, ambitious, and hardworking. On the one hand, boys develop a sense of dominance, grandiosity, narcissism that in actuality has true undertones of ignorance. While on the other hand, girls face the risk of developing a sense of passivity, inferiority, anxiety, anger, and at times even paranoia. The repercussions of this dichotomy she believes, are deep and create psychological pathology. The main intention of this book is by no means meant to be a religious or political commentary, but as Iranian people are in essence, religious, the conversation does include Islam. She argues, religion is beautiful, and Islam is no exception. But, the often-bastardized product of many past and present religious leaders, whose qualifications she questions, is ugly: the outcome, fear of God and His potential punitive punishments. Herein lies another source of pathology. She devotes a good deal of the book to enlighten readers both Iranian and otherwise, to the essence soft side of Islam to which general Muslims are often not exposed. From the Prophet Mohammad himself of Sufi mystics, the author focuses on spirituality rather than aggression, citing works of Hafez, Saadi, Mowlana Rumi, Baba Taher, and Shams Tabrizi who expressed the same approach of Sufism.

Let’s go back in time now to 1979 and to the years prior that lead to the Iranian revolution. The author’s argument is that in light of this cultural mentality, foreign countries found opportunity to meddle and assert their influence and personal goals. The Iranians themselves could not identify this cultural weakness and were not in touch with their own identity and took to the streets in demonstration supporting new religious leaders whom aggressively stoked the fires of anti-west propaganda and rhetoric that lead to a blaze of events. In the ashes, lay a country with a leader whom they did not even know; A leader, who would only again propagate this circle of pathology.

It is the intention of author to help Iranians to learn about their psychology, to develop self-recognition and self-identity to become less confused.

“My attention has been on the training and parenting issues throughout the book. I am wondering how a confused parent can raise a not confused kid.” says author, Dr. Miri.

Readers who wish to experience this profound work can purchase “Iran, How a Culture Develops Pathology: The Pathology in Transition” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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Tags: Effie Miri, How a Culture Develops Pathology: The Pathology in Transition, Iran, new books, Page Publishing

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