EIPM Awards The Best in Purchasing

On the evening of December 13, EIPM honoured the best Purchasing Organisations by another successful ceremony devoted to the EIPM Peter Kraljic Awards. This year, 8 winners were selected amongst the companies that engaged in the competition.

EIPM Awards the Best in Purchasing

On the evening of December 13, EIPM honoured the best Purchasing Organisations, by another successful ceremony devoted to the EIPM Peter Kraljic Awards.

This year, 8 winners were selected amongst the companies that engaged in the competition for the 2012 EIPM awards.

These recipients are a select few chosen from purchasing organisations worldwide. They are recognized for the excellence of some of their practices in these challenging times, when Procurement and Supply Chain play a crucial role for companies worldwide.

On this edition, each award category rewarded the exceptional accomplishment of procurement teams in key areas such as Talent Management, Value Creation, Risk Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Sustainable Future and Process Management, as well as the acknowledgement of outstanding overall performance to the Organisation of the Year.

Peter Kraljic accepted to associate his name to the EIPM Awards, because like EIPM, he strongly believes these prizes contribute to the visibility and external recognition Procurement Organisations deserve.

As the participants prepare themselves for the next challenges, EIPM congratulates them for their new role as Best in Class.

The Organisations winners of the 2012 EIPM Peter Kraljic Awards
in Alphabetical order:

Process Excellence: GRUNDFOS, team of Klavs Hornum, Group Vice President
This Award recognizes the GRUNDFOSS outstanding practices for Category Management & their Process Management system and their structured Performance Measurement solutions.

Risk Management: INFRABEL, team of Frederic Tilmans, Chief Purchasing Officer
This Award recognizes the INFRABEL outstanding practices in Risk Management & Mitigation Monitoring along the contract execution.

Supplier Relationship Management: BEKAERT, team of Philippe Armengaud, Chief Purchasing Officer.
This Award recognizes the BEKAERT outstanding practices raising SRM at strategic level, and creating the Triple Win Approach through a strong interdependency, crucial to survival during hard economic period.

Sustainable Future: LYONNAISE DES EAUX, team of Francois Bacalou Team, Purchasing Manager
This Award recognizes the LYONNAISE DES EAUX outstanding practices for Sustainable Responsibility in the relation with their Suppliers, developing Value and New Business Opportunities that are environmentally & socially friendly.

Talent Management: VODAFONE, Team of Detlef Schultz, Chief Purchasing Officer
This Award recognizes the VODAFONE outstanding practices in Talent Management to ensure the Organization is ready for future successes by better development of their Employees with top skills & competences.

Value Creation - Organisation and Knowledge Management Based: ARCELORMITTAL, team of Denis Alvarenga, General Manager/Head of Strategy & Seaborne Solid Fuels
This Award recognizes the ArcelorMittal outstanding practices in Value Contribution, transforming market intelligence data & supplier information into Total Cost Advantage. This Value Contribution can be named Bottom Line Value Creation.

Value Creation - CRM and Innovation Driven: L'OREAL, team of Emmanuelle Wallon, Projects Sourcing Director l'Oreal Launches
This Award recognizes the l'OREAL outstanding practices for taking care of their Internal Business Partners (Marketing & BU), promoting their expectations and attracting innovativeness from Suppliers to gain Market Shares. This Value Contribution can be named Top Line Value Creation.

The Organization of the Year: SANOFI, team of Jean-Philippe Collin, Chief Purchasing Officer
This Award recognizes the SANOFI outstanding practices in the successful transformation journey towards Excellence through the Organization, Processes, Value Creation, Talent Management, SRM.... To deliver superior performances.


Tags: award, eipm, procurement, Purchasing, supply chain

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