ELearment Organizes Specialized Workshop on Interactive E-learning

July 7, 2012 Amman- eLearment, the Arab leading provider of e-learning systems and solutions, has recently held a specialized workshop in which it explored the evolving techniques of interactive virtual learning and means of supplying Jordan's educ

eLearment, the Arab leading provider of e-learning systems and solutions, has recently held a specialized workshop in which it explored the evolving techniques of interactive virtual learning and means of supplying Jordan's education infrastructure with the latest interactive applications and solutions.

Held in Crowne Plaza Hotel and attended by officials from Queen Rania Al Abdullah Center For Educational Technology and a representative from Jordan Education initiative along with a large number of the nation's private school heads, the workshop aimed to acquaint participants with the most recent tools that can be deployed to create an ideal learning environment that uses multimedia presentation tools and sophisticated means to enhance educational delivery and facilitate learners' understanding of different pedagogical concepts.

In his comment, eLearment's CEO, Ashraf Nairoukh, said: "Over the past few years, most of the academic institutions in the Arab world have been seeking to automate their curricula content and upgrade their education programs in an attempt to imitate the paths of the successful implementation of interactive e-learning infrastructure in the developed countries. However, such attempts did not produce satisfactory results given that the previous e-solutions suffer from a lack of flexibility."

"We devoted our programming capabilities and field expertise to design technologically-advanced solutions to give students a unique interactive learning experience. We at eLearment have a wide range of curricula-related e-solutions, such as the Active Flip Book which allows direct interaction between students and tutors inside or outside the classroom on one hand, and among curricula authors on the other," Nairoukh added.

In addition, Nairoukh pointed out that Ministry of Education's officials including curricula authors can modify book contents and additional interactive guides in an electronic and direct manner at any time, a feature which is not available in other similar systems. Besides to enabling teachers to both correct home assignments and send remarks to students electronically, the system has the advantage of evaluating students' proficiency in a particular subject and providing them with additional details and information if they perform below the requested grade level, thus helping them know the level of the course in which they should be placed.

Participants at the workshop discussed the important role that recent technologies can play in presenting curricula content in a lively and interactive manner that promotes students' self-reliance, independence in learning, and ability to identify, investigate and solve problems.

Remarkably, eLearment, resorting to its state-of-the-art programming techniques and field expertise, created a massive range of technical solutions, including the Active Flip Book and virtual performance-based assessment, to help reduce poverty rates and address the state of stiffness in the e-learning environment which was caused by previous poorly-developed e-learning systems.


Founded in 2011 as part of KHX group of education and training companies owned by Beyout Investment Group (BIG Holding) in Kuwait, eLearment company is a leading content services provider with excellent experience in the development of educational and professional virtual and collaboration learning environments. The profound and conceptual understanding of e-learning as providing up to date and sophisticated means to clarify an abstract educational thought by finding the appropriate way to present, simplify and facilitate comprehending that thought using well-developed e-learning systems is all exclusive to eLearment.

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Tags: ELearment, interactive, Organizes, specialized, workshop

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