Elecard Video Analyzers Now Support VVC

Elecard has implemented support for the VVC format in the video analysis products that are part of StreamEye Studio set.


VVC is a new video compression standard, being developed by MPEG and ITU. According to various sources, the codec will appear in summer or autumn 2020. The codec is versatile: it is equally suitable for traditional television broadcasting, video on demand, and games, videoconferencing and other applications requiring low latency. 

By developers' estimates, the new codec will provide a 30-50% lower bit rate maintaining video quality compared to HEVC. The complexity of encoding algorithms will be increased tenfold.

Elecard keeps up with the technology so that customers, who are implementing VVC support in their products, could perform quality video analysis and find bugs in code. That's why Elecard has implemented VVC support in its products.

StreamEye Studio is a set of software tools for video quality analysis designed for professional use in video compression, processing, communication and streaming media industries.

Elecard StreamEye allows analyzing the stream structure and down to macroblock/coding unit structure for inspection of codec parameters. StreamEye is helpful for:

●     Development and debugging of encoders;

●    Accurate check for errors in video codecs;

●     Easy spot of problems in the video bitstream;

●     Detailed comparison of encoders;

●     Standard verification.

Elecard StreamAnalyzer is a tool for syntax analysis of encoded media streams and troubleshooting in containers and transport streams.

With Stream Analyzer you can:

●     Make sure that your Cable, Satellite, IP, CDN network operates properly and TS gets through without packet loss;

●     Check for errors in multiplexers and demultiplexers;

●     Spot the ETSI TR 101 290 errors in TS;

●     Check stream integrity after stress tests.

Video Quality Estimator — a tool designed to compare quality of encoded streams based on objective metrics (PSNR, APSNR, SSIM, DELTA, MSE, MSAD, VQM, NQI, VMAF and VMAF phone).

StreamEye Studio products are essential for anyone who needs to maintain video quality: QA engineers, vendors, codec developers, SoC architects, Telco operators, system integrators.

"We keep a close eye on new developments in the industry and regularly update our products. At the moment, we have implemented the main characteristics of the VVC standard, and later, we will make regular updates as new versions of the standard appear." -Denis Popov, StreamEye Studio product manager.

Follow this link to find the VVC video samples and estimate how StreamEye Studio products work with it.

To get a preview version of StreamEye Studio with VVC support, contact us at [email protected].

About Elecard

Elecard provides video compression solutions, analyzers of media streams and compressed video bitstreams, and QoS & QoE probes for real-time video monitoring. MPEG-2, H.264/AVC, HEVC live encoders and MPEG-DASH/HLS packagers are in production with Tier 1/2/3 broadcasters, IPTV and OTT operators. VVC, HEVC, AV1, VP9, MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC video analyzers, monitoring probes, encoders and playback software enable system architects, SoC designers and QA to shorten development cycles and improve time to market. Visit www.elecard.com.


+1 (323) 644-4063

[email protected]

Source: Elecard


Tags: analyzer, broadcasting software, codec, encoding software, HEVC, IPTV, OTT, telecommunications, video quality analysis, VVC

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