Electronic Cigarette Brands Still Growing and Celebrity Endorsements Are Next

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Electronic cigarette brands are picking up steam, literally. These vaporized versions of cigarettes that still emit nicotine as well as the oral fixation smokers look for are growing in numbers each month, according to one industry expert named Andy Gray.

Gray has been at the forefront of electronic cigarettes since a close friend and long time smoker of Parliament's started showing up with different electrical apparatuses that were used to replace his traditional smokes. Immediately making the switch himself, Gray has entrenched himself in the industry and is among the top electronic cigarettes review analysts . In an interview with him, he shared with us his take on the growing interest in these electric devices and also went on to predict where the industry will be in the next year.

"I have had the chance to keep a pulse on this industry for the last year, and each time I speak to people about how these devices work, I'm met with complete shock and amazement. Each month awareness grows, but this niche is far from mainstream." Gray added that "new brands show up and start advertising each month," and made a comparison to another phenomenon that didn't have much popularity only 10 years ago but is mainstream now. "I haven't seen this much demand for a new product since Red Bull was introduced and I was graduating college," added Gray. "In the ensuing years, we saw many new brands launch to get some of that market share. Well, the same thing is happening in the e-cigarette industry. People are trying them, liking them, and the word is spreading virally very rapidly. Every entrepreneurial type who wants to get in early is launching a brand right now. It's exciting."

When asked where the industry will be in one year, Gray got excited. "More mainstream. I could certainly see a celebrity grabbing the bull by the horn and endorsing a brand. It just takes one special company to step up and make an offer. When they do that, people will take more notice and this will be the next best thing since diet soda."

While the jury is still out on just exactly how much safer these products are when compared to regular cigarettes, there are other advantages. For starters, there is much less waste, no foul odor, and a huge savings financially when compared to traditional cigarettes. People are always looking for ways to save money, and that fact alone has really helped e-cigarettes catch on in society.

"There is also the 'ban factor,'" added Gray. "With so many places banning smoking, and millions of people having an oral fixation or addiction to making the motion of smoking, people are becoming fans of e-cigarettes because they are able to smoke them when they can't have a traditional cigarette."

That fact alone is reason enough to have a bright outlook for electronic cigarettes.


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