Electronic Cigarette Smokers Make Huge Savings In Lean Times And Become Healthier

There is no doubt in anybody's mind that the electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette as it is sometimes known as, can save you money. In fact, if you are a pack-a-day smoker you will save over 75% within 1 year! An electronic cigarette looks, feels and

There is no doubt in anybody's mind that the electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette as it is sometimes known as, can save you money. In fact, if you are a pack-a-day smoker you will save over 75% within 1 year! An electronic cigarette looks, feels and tastes like a real tobacco cigarette, without the harmful chemicals and expense.

After you make the initial purchase of the starter pack which can cost you from $50 - $100, all you need to buy is the replaceable cartridges. These cost roughly $5 each and can be the equivalent of 2 packs of cigarettes. This makes a lot of economic sense, especially during these hard economic times.

If you are a smoker, there are so many reasons why you should switch to electronic cigarettes. One of the main advantage is that your health will not deteriorate, as an e-cigarette does not contain any of the 4000 or so harmful toxins that are present in regular tobacco cigarettes. Nor will your lungs accumulate tar after a few months of smoking.

Your health will improve, and the same can be said about those around you. When you exhale, you will not be exhaling the poisonous second-hand smoke that we non-smokers are all used to. Instead a harmless water vapor will enter your lungs and you will exhale the same. The vapor entering your lungs will have the same feeling and taste as a normal cigarette, but the e-cigarette will be safer for you and those around you.

If you are considering quitting smoking, then switch to electronic cigarettes and join the 1 in 20 of the 40 million smokers who have made the switch. Everyday thousands of smokers are switching and making the correct decision.


Tags: electronic cigarettes, quit smoking, smoke free electronic cigarettes

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