Elena Panaritis Speaks at Chatham House Global Finance Forum
Online, October 22, 2010 (Newswire.com) - What is the evolving global economic, regulatory and monetary picture?
As governments have acted to promote economic growth after the global financial crisis, one result has been a massive increase in deficit financing by European governments and the United States. Now is a key moment to look at the evolving global economic, regulatory and monetary picture.
Leading figures from governments, regulatory bodies, financial institutions and international organizations will assess the impact of steps taken to mitigate the global financial crisis.
Elena Panaritis, institutional economist, property rights expert, and Greek politician will speak about the international financial crisis, with a special attention to the subsequent Greek crisis and the current path for Greek economic recovery within the larger EU framework.
By applying her distinctive methodology, Reality Check Analysis, Ms. Panaritis will offer a less traditional view of the financial crisis and present a new approach through which to view and analyze the Greek experience - one that pays close attention to institutions, rules and informality. Her method has been called one of the best practical applications of institutional economics to property rights. It incorporates a rigorous and holistic analysis of the history of a country's political economy, diagnosis of the institutional problems, and proposed solutions for sustainable recovery. Ms. Panaritis will put the Greek experience in historical context and chart a reform agenda within the existing Eurozone political economy for finding a more sustainable path to economic recovery.
Tags: Chatham House, crisis, Elena Panaritis, Greece