Emerald Appoints Distinguished New Editors of Leading Education Book Series

New editors of the Advances in Special Education (ASE) book series announced

Global academic publisher, Emerald Group Publishing is pleased to welcome Dr. Festus E. Obiakor of Valdosta State University and Dr. Jeffrey P. Bakken of Bradley University, as the new editors of the Advances in Special Education (ASE) book series. As leaders in the field of education, both will bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the role.

Dr. Obiakor is Department Head of Early Childhood and Special Studies at Dewar College of Education and Human Services, Valdosta State University. With a with particular focus on African American and other culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners, Dr. Obiakor is the author of more than 150 publications, including books, articles and commentaries in the field of general and special education.

As the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School at Bradley University, Dr. Bakken is a teacher, consultant and scholar with over 150 academic publications during his career. His specific areas of interest include collaboration, transition, teacher effectiveness, assessment, learning strategies, and technology. Through his work, he has committed himself toward improving teachers' knowledge and techniques as well as services for students with exceptionalities and their families.

Dr Bakken, said: "We have been involved with ASE for a number of years, helping to develop the series into the prestigious title it is today. We are looking forward to working on the series as it grows and continues to make a positive impact on the educational community."

ASE is a valuable resource for special and regular educators, mental health clinicians, psychologists, university professors and graduate students who have a professional interest in the education and treatment of individual with exceptionalities.

It includes high quality peer-reviewed research from some of the most prestigious contributors in their respective fields, with recent volumes focussing on the issues of identification, assessment and instruction of students with learning disabilities and behavioural disorders. Find out more here: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=0270-4013

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Nicole Mountain
PR & Communities Manager
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Phone: +44 (0) 1274 777700
Email: nmountain@emeraldinsight.com


Tags: books, Education, special education

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