EMF Protection Offers Defense From Dangerous Electromagnetic Hazards Posed To The Body

Advocating consciousness about the ill effects of man-made electromagnetic fields or EMF, EMF-Health.com offers products and solutions that help safeguard the human body.

Much has been said about the harmful effects that electromagnetic fields or EMF can cause to the human body. However, studies have proved that the threat is as real as the dangers of electropollution. Harmful EMF sources include electric, magnetic, wireless and ionizing radiation - from which people need to keep safe distances from in their environment or run the risk of getting fibromyalgia, headaches, electro-sensitivity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

EMF-Health.com is dedicated to providing products that utilize emerging new technologies to protect people against the biological and mental stresses that EMF cause to the body. The website offers an array of products for personal EMF protection, which include body-worn and personal space solutions, as well as home EMF protection devices for the entire home.

According to EMF-Health.com, harmful EMFs - which are different from the body's own EMF's-- can change the naturally occurring frequencies in the body to unhealthy frequencies causing unhealthy tissue and disease. The length of time it takes to make such change can be seconds, hours, years or decades based upon strength of the field; the particular frequency; wave length of the frequency; and length of exposure. The main sources are coming from technology devices and systems.

"Electromagnetic fields are an invisible contributor to stress in our modern lives, and most people are not even aware of it. Based on our personal experience, scientific research, and feedback from people, these EMF protection devices can greatly reduce these kinds of stressful effects on the human physiology." from Francis Serrano, owner of EMF-Health.com.

Susan Birrenkott from Fresno, California shares at EMF-Health.com how the QLink pendant from the company has helped her family tremendously: "In April of 2000, my 7-year-old son Sean was diagnosed with Complex Partial Epilepsy. Since he started wearing Q-Link and the ClearWave clock was placed in his room, he has not experienced one seizure. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your products and the obvious effects it has had with Sean and my whole family."

The Q-Link product is among the more popular EMF protection solutions from EMF-Health.com. The product comes in varieties of pendants, bracelets, USB plug-ins, handcrafted silver and animal pendants that, when worn, have been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of EMF radiation, strengthen resilience to the effects of stress, increases energy, reduce fatigue and jet lag symptoms, and enhance mental performance and alertness.

People looking out for the health of their family should visit http://www.emf-health.com and learn more about hazards associated with EMFs and the innovative products that ensure protection.


Tags: Dangers of Electropollution, emf protection, EMF Protection Solutions

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Francis Serrano
Press Contact, EMFHealth.com
EMF-Health.com Lotus Pond Marketing Inc. PO Box 4457 Hilo, HI
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