Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual

Two empathic authors, Yvonne Perry and Dr. Caron Goode, have organized an event offering eight hours of free training for people who are emotionally oversensitive.

The excitement is building for a free teleconference to kick off the grand opening of Live-Spirit.com and empower people to walk in oneness as they help facilitate humanity's shift into higher consciousness. The purpose of this telesummit is to help people understand the science of the predicted 2012 shift already in progress, and how this is affecting all people-especially empaths.

Each of the four calls (September 6, 13, 20, & 27) in this telesummit will teach participants how to ground and center their energy, obtain clarity, and enact self-care while assisting in the Earth's transformation. Each content-rich call will last about two hours in order to allow two speakers to make presentations and listeners to ask questions.

There will be a panel of eight experts (two each week) who will speak about how catastrophic world events are affecting lightworkers and empaths and what to expect as 2012 draws nigh. We won't leave you wondering what to do about the grief and discomfort you are experiencing; we will give you tips for getting free from detrimental energy and staying joyfully clear as you follow your spiritual path.

The virtual online event will be held all four Tuesdays in September 2011. Go to live-spirit.com and enter your email address to get more information and a reminder about the event fall.

Here is the lineup of speakers and topics for training summit:

September 6 @ 3 p.m. CDT
• Reiki and Level II Acutonics practitioner Kate Garvey is the founder and director of the Institute of Sound Healing teaching. She has conducted workshops at the Indigenous Grandmother's Gatherings. Her presentation is "Self-Care, Healing, and the Shift: Walking Between Worlds, Our Sacred Call, Response Vs. Reaction, the Good of All, the Speed of Transitions, and Keeping Your Sanity." "www.instituteofsoundhealing.com

• Gini Grey, the author of From Chaos to Calm: How to Shift Unhealthy Stress Patterns and Create Your Ideal Balance in Life, is a transformational coach, writer, and spiritual energy teacher. Her passion is to guide people to live from their spiritual center and own their power to create a life of ease, joy and freedom. Gini will present "Staying Balanced and Energized: using spiritual energy awareness tools & intuition to own and clear your space, create healthy energetic boundaries, and release other people's energy and emotions." http://www.ginigrey.com

September 13 @ 3 p.m. CDT
• Dr. Tom Goode of the International Breath Institute will teach Full Wave Breathing as a simple but powerful way to process physical changes in the bodies and maintain all aspects of health. Tom is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent is Breathe and Grow Rich-Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life. http://www.fullwavebreathing.com
• Jenna Forrest is the developer of www.profoundhealingforsensitives.com where sensitive empaths can learn to master their innate sensory intelligence through tangible empowerment practices and profound healing techniques. She is the author of two books about growing up as a sensitive person. She will present "Climbing the Stairway to Mastery & Illumination: Recognizing the Stages of Consciousness, Spiritual Purification and the Creation of a New Planetary Paradigm of Love."

September 20 @ 3 p.m. CDT
• Suzy Miller is the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism. After a 22-year career as a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy met a four-year old child diagnosed with autism who was destined to change not only the way she viewed autism, but life in general. She will be presenting "Autism: A Postive Step in Human Evolution."
• Dr. Caron Goode, the author of Raising Intuitive Children and Kids who See Ghosts~ Guide Them through Their Fear, will present information about working with intuitive children who have the gift of empathy. Gain easy and useful tools to help empower children who don't fit the stereotype that most educational systems cater to. www.raisingintuitivechildren.com

September 27 @ 8 p.m. CDT
• Empaths have a mission to fulfill as they allow their bodies to receive higher vibrating energy from the ascended masters of wisdom and step it down to the general population. Dr. Michael R. Smith, author of Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age, will teach how to ground these higher energies into the body and use the body as a tool of perception. http://www.empathConnection.com

• Metaphysical empath coach, Yvonne Perry, is the primary author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those around You. She will speak about why forgiveness is so important to empaths who want to stay clear of negativity and align with higher frequencies in order to accomplish their life's mission. She will present "There are No Victims! Helping Empaths to See Themselves as Empowered Beings of Light." http://whosestuffisthis.com

Coaches, consultants, caregivers, parents, doctors, nurses, counselors and therapists-any heart-centered support persons or service professionals who need help in emotional clarity, being grounded, and not taking on the pains and emotions of others will appreciate the information offered in this free tele-summit. Empathic people will learn to see the gift of empathy as their greatest empowerment tool in supporting resilience and in deepening and living an inspired life.

Go to http://live-spirit.com/empathytelesummit/ and enter your email address to get the call-in information to join this telesummit. Each of the four content-rich calls will last about two hours in order to allow two speakers to make presentations and answer your questions.


Yvonne Perry


Tags: empaths, lightworkers, teleconference, world events

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