EmporaPharma Inc. Announces the Opening of Its First Walk-in Store in Quebec, Canada

Wellness through organic pharmaceuticals

EmporaPharma Inc., a pharmaceutical company specialised in the production and store-front retail sales of medical cannabinoids, announces the opening today of its first franchise store at 495 rue Labelle in St-Jérôme, Québec.

The purpose of EmporaPharma stores is to present the most complete line-up of medical cannabinoids available under one roof. EmporaPharma is a recipient of numerous Health Canada cannabis-licences which legally enable Empora's core activities of medical cannabis production, pharma R&D, transformation and brick & mortar retail sales.

EmporaPharma is the first vertically integrated medical cannabis company operating in the world today. It is a 100% Canadian-owned organic pharma company, founded by the Gilmour Family of Montreal. 


EmporaPharma www.empora.ca

495 rue Labelle, St-Jérôme

Founding CEO: David Gilmour


[email protected]

Source: EmporaPharma Inc.


Tags: cannabis, medical, retailing