Empowering the Global Society Through Technology
Bangalore, India, July 16, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The advancement of technology offers a new opportunity for evolution and organization. The global villages and cities are able to now enter into the next phase of the smart city and smart community, a new frontier to hyperspeed information, resources and opportunity.
The Hubezoo, a new, global innovation offered by the Omatrix Center, is designed to compliment the demand for hyperspeed, organized infodata platforms that create smart cities and designs. Their framework is one which calls forward a new design and infostructure for those interested in creating advanced cities.
The advancement of technology offers a new opportunity for evolution and organization. The global villages and cities are able to now enter into the next phase of the smart city and smart community, a new frontier to hyperspeed information, resources and opportunity.
Brooke Hart, Cofounder
The Hubezoo is being built on the framework that technology has the ability to empower societies. With greater information and organization, communities have an invitation to become more advanced at a faster pace. The intention is to answer to the call that many communites around the globe have; to create technology that meets their needs and lifestyles in all the necessary walks of life, including social, business, governmental and institutional formats.
The Omatrix Center is answering the digital call to a smarter future life of the global community. Communities need more than placing new towers and high speed Internet access in rural villages or in cities. Instead, by using proper applications of technology in combination of educating communities, rapid advancement can accelerate communities and their economies. Individuals, communities, institutions and governments are able to easily synchronize, work and develop projects. Creating a link to the physical and technological worlds that are demanding greater innovation is a central focus of the new technology.
While the Hubezoo is in initial phases, the global technology network will boost the socio - economic system through the development of the system. The intricate setup and structure as well as the vision of empowering communities is one which is transformational in nature, allowing technology to become a complimentary association within smart cities.
The opportunity that communities have when interfacing with technology goes beyond new apps. Instead, the infrastructure of the Hubezoo invites collaboration and cooperation through a global network that is expansive in nature. It creates an interlink and connective ideology through the use of technology that offers communities new and powerful functions. Not only will individuals become empowered with the infrastructure created. Communities will also become empowered through the collaborative and integrated structure that is offered.
The initial launch of the Hubezoo in India is projected to be a game changer for the international community. It is also being embraced by venture capitalists and entreprenrus around the globe as the next giant tech unicorn company. The Omatrix Center is dedicated to the design of an infostructure that will transform and empower communities at large while bringing a massive, positive impact and economic return which offers a needed solution of sustainability to the global community.
Tags: Empowerment through Technology, Technology, Technology Innovation, Technology Release