ENER-G Launches Free 'Quick Guide To Improving Energy Performance - At No Cost'

A free 'Quick Guide to Improving Energy Performance - at No Cost' has been launched by ENER-G (www.energ.co.uk) to help cash strapped businesses save money on their energy bills, improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon, without upfront expense.

The ENER-G Quick Guide details the no cost remedies available to reduce the pain of rising energy prices, including ten tips for improving energy performance in business through improved energy efficiency, smarter energy buying and on-site power generation.

Gary Dowsett, Director of ENER-G Controls, said: "The need for organisations to embrace energy efficiency measures is made more urgent by the upward price trend. The government's own highly conservative estimates are for a 26% energy price rise over a decade, with other industry experts predicting a 100% hike by 2020. With such increases, taking action is no longer a choice, it's an imperative to remain competitive."

There's a common misconception that installing technologies that improve energy efficiency is out of budget. The availability of the government's Green Deal loans for business may have been delayed, but commercial shared savings agreements, such as the Guaranteed Savings schemes provided by ENER-G, provide the results businesses are looking for on a 'pay as you save' basis. In addition, incentives such as the Renewable Heat Incentive and Feed in Tariff can also make energy saving financially attractive.

The Quick Guide provides ten top tips for reducing business energy costs, including strategy and action planning; measuring, monitoring and controlling energy consumption; smarter procurement; people power and voltage optimisation.

"In improving energy efficiency, businesses should start with the quick wins", added Gary Dowsett. "One of the best ways to save energy is to install a building energy management system, such as the E-MAGINE control system, designed and manufactured by ENER-G, which will reduce consumption to deliver rapid payback on investment and reduce taxes on carbon emissions. E-MAGINE also has the dual benefit of acting as an automatic monitoring and targeting system, monitoring, measuring and analysing consumption to assist with carbon reporting and managing efficiency."

Energy efficient lighting will also deliver quick returns and when you incorporate a lighting strategy into your controls, the savings are multiplied. According to the Carbon Trust, the refurbishment of lighting and use of sensor-based controls can lead to annual cost savings of 20% across all organisations.

The 'Quick Guide to Energy Saving at No Cost' is available free to download from: http://www.emagine-controls.com/a+quick+guide+to+improving+energy+performance+at+no+cost-73.html

Further information: www.emagine-controls.com , [email protected], 01527 855072


Tags: carbon reduction, ENER-G, Energy Efficiency, energy saving, low carbon

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