Enerit Helps European Schools Become Energy Efficient

VERYSchool - Valuable EneRgY for a Smart School. Enerit are heavily involved within the EU funded VERYSchool project for energy efficient schools.

Enerit are a key member of a consortium of energy specialists from across Europe under the EU VERYSchool project for energy efficient schools.

As Europe determines how to meet 2020 and 2050 energy efficiency targets, VERYSchool becomes extremely relevant. Schools represent a major opportunity for energy savings as they are a highly replicable segment of building stock whose energy bill makes up a large portion of its running costs. Led by Italian Energy Agency Agenzia per l'Energia e lo Svilluppo Sostenibile (AESS), VERYSchool will be on the leading edge of this trend providing the roadmap and platform for the efficient uptake and use of any future investments.

VERYSchool will integrate smart LED lighting, smart metering, BEMS, energy simulation and energy action management software into a platform called the "Energy Action Navigator" and demonstrate it in four Pilot locations in Europe. The four pilot schools are Middle School A. Manzoni (Italy), Voltri School Complex (Italy), the Professional School for Electrotechnics and Electronics (Bulgaria), and Institute Pupilos do Extercito IPE (Portugal).

This integrated platform and environment will be customised and dedicated to schools. The Navigator will link all actors and decision makers of the school value chain under a common platform dedicated to energy efficiency. The project will provide "how to" information, enabling tools, and cutting edge intelligent energy savings strategies through the execution of optimisation scenarios dedicated specifically to the needs of schools.

The "Energy Action Navigator" will be conducted under the guidelines and practices of the ISO 50001 international standard in energy management and International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP).

Enerit's software will provide a systematic energy management approach based on ISO 50001 principles, configured specifically to meet the energy efficiency requirements of schools. Enerit ISO 5001 software was chosen as it uniquely covers ALL aspects of the ISO 50001 standard.

VERYSchool presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness about energy saving needs and possibilities in schools, as well as how energy services can change in school buildings, whilst providing clear guidance on how to achieve them.

Alongside Enerit, the VERYSchool consortium includes Energy Agencies (Agenzia per l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile di Modena and the Energy Agency of Plovdiv), Public Authorities (Comune Di Genova and Ankara National Education Directorate), Industrial Partners (DOKI, D'Appolonia, IsGreen and IES), an R&D Partner (MTA SZTAKI), an Energy Service Company (Selfenergy), a Banking Sector Partner (IntesaSanpaola Eurodesk) and a University (University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). The 13 member organizations represent 9 European countries: Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Serbia, Belgium and Turkey. Collectively the consortium has oversight of over 8000 schools.

For more information on Enerit ISO 50001 software please visit www.enerit.com


Tags: Energy Managment System, ISO 50001, VERYSchool

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Press Contact, Enerit Ltd
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