Enlightened Piano Radio Raises The Bar
Online, April 12, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Two years ago, Contemporary pianist Donovan Johnson started "Enlightened Piano Radio" as a platform for musicians in his genre. Little did he know that soon, the radio station would be making waves in the International piano composers community. With a roster of almost 70 pianists worldwide, "Enlightened Piano Radio" continues to make it's way forward in a world where the importance of modern piano music seems to be on a downslide.
Currently "Enlightened Piano Radio" offers much more than just free streaming to it's audiences. There are added benefits for the artists who participate on the radio stations roster. Mainly, the network itself. "Enlightened Piano" is a network of musicians" Donovan Johnson, the founder and program director, explains. "Each person on the roster has the liberty to network with anyone else on the roster. There's a general understanding that in order to push the "Contemporary Piano" genre forward, we must work together, collectively. If someone in the network from California calls someone in the network from in New York, and has never spoken with this person, there will still be a mutual understanding that one will help the other and vice versa. And this really is our creed. Those who want to be the "Lone Ranger" in their careers really don't fit in very well with what it is we're trying to do."
And just what has been accomplished thus far? Johnson explains "We're now in the top 20 in our genre through the Live365 radio network. There are thousands of stations on Live365, so being in the top 20 is a nice accomplishment. Of course, I'm shooting for number one, and that will happen in time.
"Enlightened Piano" concerts are also sprouting up around the U.S. These concerts feature two or more Enlightened Piano artists, and are conducted like a songwriters circle. One pianist plays a song, followed by the next until a "round" has been completed. This creates a clear and diverse range in style for the listener, and keeps the selections fresh. It's also very entertaining. Every performer has their own way of being who they are onstage, and you get to see that very distinctly at these concerts.
So far, "Enlightened Piano" concerts have been held in Omaha NE, where Donovan is from, as well as St. Louis MO, Portland OR, Tacoma WA, New Orleans LA and many other locations. Locations for 2013 include Nashville TN, Minneapolis MN, and Washington D.C., among others.
And, there are additional benefits to being an "Enlightened Piano" artist. "We also offer CD reviews for pianists who compose their own music, and sheet music transcriptions for those who need to have their recordings made into sheet music." Donovan is excited about all of the things that have been happening with Enlightened Piano, and explains that there's much more to come. "Just last year, Kai Miano flew in from Germany, where he lives, and performed a tour of the southern states with myself and a couple other artists on the roster. Exciting things are happening, and I know that there's so much more yet to happen. Listeners are increasing, and people's enthusiasm for the station is building. There are so many musicians who need a platform like Enlightened Piano Radio to help them with their endeavors. And there are so many people who need to hear the music that these hard working men and women have to offer. It's music that makes us better people, and ultimately helps to change the world that we live in, in a very positive way. That's our business, and that's what we do. Now we just need to continue getting the word out--so people know we exist. The potential market for this genre is virtually untapped."
Interested in knowing more about "Enlightened Piano Radio?" Please visit the radio station website at: www.enlightenedpiano.com; For information on it's founder, Donovan Johnson, visit his website at: www.donovanjohnson.net
Tags: classical, concert, Jazz, music, new age, piano, refreshing, uplifting