Enterprise Resource Planning - 10 ERP Failure Trends and Proven Best Practices Revealed

ERP failure Whitepapers- Enterprise resource planning projects have only a 7% chance of coming in on time, under budget, and providing satisfying results. Discover the top 10 Causes for failure and Proven Best Practice processes to ensure success.

E.R.Williams is a seasoned project/program manager with over 20 years of project management experience and an outstanding success rate. However after his repeated successes, Williams has still noticed the unforgiveable failure rates of IT and ERP projects and programs and has vowed to educate project managers and teams to turn projects and programs into successes with complimentary ERP failure and best practice whitepapers!

In a report by a contributor to CIO.com , data was revealed showing that enterprise resource planning projects have only a 7% chance of coming in on time, under budget, and providing satisfying results. Meaning the other 93% are failures or challenged.

According to E.R. Williams, "With the past decade of high failure rates for IT projects and programs and the most recent research showing that there still needs to be significant increases in the success rates of IT projects and programs, including large scale projects and programs such as ERP, SCM, and VOIP... Now there are additional concerns that are contributing to troubled and failed projects and programs: Seasons IT professionals no longer in the work force to provide knowledge transfer (laid off or retired), Inexperience and experience IT professional working extended hours, having extensive and dual responsibilities, burning out. This is why knowledge transfer, the documenting and use of lessons learned and best practices are absolutely essential to reverse the trend of this unsatisfactory project and program failure rate".

The Free ERP Failure report and whitepapers reveal the top 10 reasons for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) failure. Too often managers simply write off failure but do not document the overall causes. Project Managers are bound to repeat the failures if they are not identified up front. In addition to the ERP failures whitepaper, there is also an ERP success report consisting of proven best practice processes, an ERP Solution Comparison Guide, ERP Buyers Guide, and BONUS project management success blueprint. Each of these reports is aimed at educating and helping to make better informed decisions about IT projects and improving the ERP failure rate.

Specific topics discussed in these whitepapers and reports are:
• ERP failure statistics and IT project and program failure rates
• Top 10 Challenges that have contributed to the horrific failure rate of ERP and IT projects and programs
• ERP Vendor Comparison Guide detailing the major ERP players and comparing their products head to head
• Vendor Buyers Guide - Top Buying Advice, Detailed Needs, products, costs, vendor considerations
• ERP Tools and worksheets every ERP system buyer should use
• ERP Implementation success report - Proven Best Practices for ERP projects and programs
• Project & Program Management Success Blueprints - Knowledgebase full of proven best practices, lessons learned, audio files, and video workshops promoting project management success.

According to Mr. Williams, "My expertise and knowledge regarding ERP and Project/Program success has saved several projects from doom and failure as well as saved many project/program managers careers by educating them on proven successful best practice processes and lessons learned and coaching them on how to use this knowledge to turnaround failing projects".

Ensure your ERP and Project/Program Success! These free whitepapers and reports are available to all. Download your ERP Failure and ERP Project Success Best Practices Whitepapers by going to: http://itprofessionalfacilitator.com/itpro/erp-failure-success-implementation


Tags: Enterprise resource planning, erp buyers guide, erp comparison, erp failure, erp failure rate, erp success, erp success guide, erp success stories, erp vendor comparison, ERP vendors

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