Entrepreneurs Join Cars Boats Plus To Put The NEW In Used Cars

A modern low-overhead new franchise, Cars Boats Plus is gearing up to add entrepreneurial high-tech Used Car and Boat Dealership Franchises nationwide. Self employment never looked this exciting before.

What are our choices these days for starting a new small business? Looking in the Charlotte Observer Business Opportunities Section today, unless I wanted to clean, wash, print stuff, travel a vending or distribution route, or cut hair, I was out of luck. Then I looked at franchises online, over 300 different fields! Again, if I wasn't into selling a manufactures' product or someone's business services, hawking food, minding other people's kids or elders, cleaning up after dirty adults or their dogs, or fixing house stuff; the choices seemed expensive with small profit margins and not many able to withstand today's fragile economy. Competitive, value added, Used Auto Dealers are always in demand as people need vehicles for transportation, and until now there has never been a national or international used car and used boat franchise. (Carmax stores are all company owned.) Now I know why, my son and business partner, Max Geller, is promoting our Used Car and Boat Dealership Franchise, Cars Boats Plus, [url:http//:www.carsboatsplus.com] as a regular entrepreneur's dream business.

Start by filling a need. For most American households, vehicle ownership is not a luxury, but a prerequisite for opportunity. Cars and trucks not only provide transportation, but also options for where and how to work and live, and how we interact with our surrounding community. The affordability and availability of used vehicles for sale is key.

Now think about self employment. Doing what you love to do, is the best. I know because I've been self employed in the used car business since 1984. My first and only vanity plate for my 1988 500SL white with a blue convertible top read "SELFMADE". I was proud of doing things on my own, with my then soon-to-be wife. Doing it alone isn't easy and through the years I've always made money, but I've also made many costly mistakes. ( I make an effort not to make those mistakes again ever.) I plan to share those past errs with all Cars Boats Plus franchisees, so they don't make them. Besides 2 weeks of face-to-face training, each franchisee can call, text or email our company experts to obtain any dealership information they feel they need to make their individual business decisions intelligently anytime they need assistance or guidance.

If you are going to reinvent yourself at any age, make sure you will be doing something you love. If food is your passion, open a restaurant. If you adore kids or dogs, open a daycare. If you are a workout freak then buy a gym. However, if cars, boats, motorcycles, jet-skis and golf carts are your first love, Cars Boats Plus might be just what you have been searching for. One reason we initially thought of franchising our low overhead, modern dealership is we love what we do everyday and we knew others would too. There is excitement and fun for everyone involved in the dealership: buying wholesale online from all over the US while sitting at your trading desk, answering customer calls from anywhere on your smartphone, showing and delivering autos in your dealership warehouse to not just clients, but new friends. This is a great business.

Any changes you make this year should be for the good of benefiting yourself and your current state of mind. Building a business is an investment in yourself, your abilities and your future. You know what you like by now and what your interests are, this is what you should be searching to do with your new self-employment. If you would benefit with resource people to turn to who are knowledgable and experienced in all aspects of a recession-resistant business, then possibly a national pre owned automobile dealership franchise is the way for you to go.

What products would you like to sell? In the past all nationally recognized Automobile and Boat Dealerships were new car dealerships that sold the manufactures new cars or new boats only and then had a used car or used boat department too, kind-of as an add on. Today the used car and truck departments of many new car dealers support the New Car Dealers sales. At this time, how does choosing your own inventory of autos, trucks, boats, motorcycles, jet-skis and golf carts to sell sound? You want to make the inventory buying decisions, you don't want to have to sell expensive undesirable or old merchandise just because it is "part of the distribution package". With Cars Boats Plus you have the right to invest in your choice of inventory. Our suggestion though is: buy what you know about or have a passion for, but only if it can make you money.

Keep your overhead the lowest it can be, keeping the most profit for yourself. In the past, auto and boat dealerships have been located in large expensive facilities on major highways. Cars Boats Plus franchisees will operate, just as we have for the past 6 years, out of an inexpensive warehouse facility with all inventory safe and ready inside. No drive-by business, just scheduled appointments to see and deliver your vehicles. This definitely adds to your quality of life.

2012 is here. It's time for positive changes in starting new small American businesses. As Cars Boats Plus expands through regular entrepreneurs and their new franchises, think about becoming a part of our franchise family. Remember: modern, low overhead, proven system, hot business, yet a ground floor opportunity ... doesn't come by you everyday. Start off the new year by investigating the newest franchise ideas out there, make sure you have a passion for the business and it fits your desired future lifestyle. If Cars Boats Plus becomes your dream franchise, just know, we are happy and prepared to help you pursue your dream auto business. Come put the NEW in used cars with us.


Tags: auto dealership, boats, car dealer, cars, hot business, new american business, New Franchise, new franchise idea, new retail business, self-employment

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Lee Geller
Press Contact, Cars Boats Plus
Cars Boats Plus
160 Lugnut Lane
Mooresville, NC 28117
United States