Enviro-Med--The Solution to a Healthier Life

Learn about Dr. M. Jeffrey White's educational health website, and learn how you can start living a healthier life today.

M. Jeffrey White, M.D., is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and the American Board of Environmental Medicine. Along with his many years in the private practice of Ophthalmology in Tampa, Florida, he developed one of the first toxic chemical detoxification units in the country in 1985.

During his research on Macular Degeneration, he found some early reports from European sources that found that antioxidants, such as Ocu-Min Forte, had a profound effect on the progressive nature and vision loss of this terrible condition. Since he was already using antioxidants in the detox unit, he reformulated and fortified the formula and it was produced by Douglas Labs. He began using this supplement on his own patients with the dry form of Macular Degeneration. He verified his findings with retinal colleagues and retinal photographs. The results were very gratifying as these patients did not lose any further sight and some even improved. His fellow professors at the medical school derided this treatment as ridiculous and questioned the use of "vitamins" to treat this condition. Most physicians at that time did not know about antioxidants. Today it is standard treatment for Macular Degeneration using far inferior formulations. Currently, the drug companies are making tens of million dollars from selling these cheap formulations to unknowing consumers.

Dr. White became interested in toxic chemical exposures and the effects on the human body at the Malcolm Grow Medical Center at Andrews AFB. As the U.S. Air Force Colonel and the Commanding Officer of the reserve medical unit, he was very active with the complete operation of this major Air Force installation. The main bioenvironmental unit of the Air Force was stationed there. They were tasked to go world-wide to evaluate toxic exposure and strange unexplained illness in this large industrial complex. He learned a great deal from them and multiple other sources to become knowledgeable in the field of toxicology. He became an expert witness in many legal cases of industrial toxic exposure in Tampa.

Dr. White presented a number of papers on toxic chemical exposure at numerous medical meetings. He also treated many patients in his private practice with gratifying results. He also continued his practice of ophthalmic surgery until just recently.
He left his junior year at the University of Louisville at age 17 to join the U.S. Marine Corps and finally was stationed in Tientsin, China. He then returned to the university to complete his undergraduate work and completed his Medical degree. At graduation, he joined the U.S. Air Force. He interned in Denver, Colorado, and later became a Flight surgeon and chief of the EENT clinic at Carswell, AFB in Fort Worth, Texas. After completing his graduate studies in Ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, he was assigned to MacDill AFB in Tampa. After four years, he accepted a reserve commission and began private practice in Tampa. He retired from the Air Force after his final assignment as the MA to the Command Surgeon Air Force Reserve.

With all of his experience and knowledge in the medical field, Dr. White has developed a website, www.Enviro-Med.com. The website is related to Environmental Medicine, with information on general health, natural substances and supplements for healthy living. Unlike most other similar sites that are run by publishing houses and sell publications and books, the information on this website is free and readily available to anyone who is interested. The supplements that are sold on this website are American-made under the highest purity standards and sold through the well-known Douglas Laboratories. These products are much different from the cheaply-made but expensive supplements that are often sold in retail outlets.

Please visit www.Enviro-Med.com to learn more about Dr. White and his organic, high-purity supplements.


Tags: health guide, health supplements, healthy living

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M Jeffrey White, MD
Press Contact, Enviro-Med
600 North Westshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33609