Environmental Heroes Dig Deep for Erosion Control Solutions

It's opening day for exhibits at Environmental Connection '11 and Granite Environmental has joined thousands of fellow environmental heroes in the fight for erosion control.

It's opening day for exhibits at Environmental Connection '11 and Granite Environmental has joined thousands of fellow environmental heroes in the fight for erosion control. For the next two days participants will dig into talking and sharing technologies and techniques for sediment and erosion control solutions.

The tried and true method of erosion control is vegetation, which Granite Environmental is promoting at EC '11. With samples galore, hundreds of participants are getting hands on experience with erosion products like woven geotextiles, non woven geotextiles, turf reinforcement mats, and even the unique coconut coir products.

Granite Environmental is also promoting vegetation growth as a viable solution through their joint campaign with The Nature Conservancy to "Plant a Billion Trees" in the Atlantic Forest. It is home to 23 species of primates, 1,000 species of birds, and over 20,000 species of plants. Unfortunately, today, only 7% of the forest remains. For every unique business card donated at EC '11, Granite Environmental will donate one dollar, which will plant one tree. The starting goal is $1,000 / 1,000 trees.

Checking in with President, Mark Wilkie, he states, "Today has been a huge success. It is a pleasure teaming with industry leaders to share and discover new technologies that build comprehensive solutions for clients as the economy rebounds strongly. We are very proud to be assisting the Nature Conservancy in the Plant a Billion Trees campaign. The response from show participants and their willingness to partner with us has been phenomenal. Together we are planting trees today for the forest of tomorrow."



Tags: erosion control, erosion control solutions, granite environmental

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