Enzymes For Proper Digestion, GI Tract Improvement, and Pancreas Protection

Gas, bloatedness, acid indigestion, heart burn, GERD are all improved by using enzyme capsules with meals. Enzyperfect is a new broad spectrum enzyme formula designed by NutraPerfect Inc that has been designed for all GI problems including IBS.

The pancreas normally produces metabolic enzymes for various functions in the body. They are especially and specifically for the breakdown of respective foods. It has been noticed by various practitioners that we are eating more and more cooked, frozen, canned, boxed and packaged foods which are enzyme dead. The pancreas has to secrete its own natural metabolic enzymes everytime enzyme dead food is consumed in order to digest the food.

Unfortunately, the pancreas can be over-worked and depleted of this secretion by poor eating habits (too much enzyme dead food) therefore femented foods turn into gas, bloatedness etc. Nutrition experts recommend eating more live raw whole foods (fruits and vegetables) that are of course, enzyme live. When foods are eaten that are cooked, frozen, or processed in anyway, it is recommended to consume enzyme capsules with those meals to assist in preserving the pancreas.

Today, we read and hear of more pancreatitis and pancreatic cancers in society. It is believed that eating more enzyme live food and by taking enzyme capsules, pancreatic problems and other GI tract issues can be improved and perhaps eliminated.

Many health issues stem back to poor digestion such as arthritis, gout, inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes and much more. Digestive enzymes are the answer to most of these and other health problems.


Tags: Digestion, Enzymes, ibs, Pancreatitis

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