Eritrean Weledo Publications Enterprise Marks Its First Year, 2000 Weledo Books Sold

Weledo Publications Enterprise enters its second year of Tigrigna children's book publication and distribution service, so far over 2000 of its published books have been distributed world wide.

It has been exactly a year since Weledo Publications has started the global distribution of Tigrigna children's books. In the first year of its service, Weledo was able to bring seven Tigrigna mother-tongue learning products to the market. In addition, Weledo was able to demonstrate its ability to deliver its products worldwide reliably and quickly. Throughout the last year, none of its products were lost in transit or found to be damaged. The company was able to secure the sales of over 2000 copies of various types of Tigrigna children's books, ranging from cartoon books to skill building textbooks in the Tigrigna mother-tongue.

Weledo was also able to announce its products and services through major diaspora based Eritrean websites, radio stations and social media tools as facebook and twitter and paid commercial services by popular search engine, google. More importantly, the Eritrean television service, ERiTV has also aired interviews, documentaries and panel discussions on the work and products of Weledo Publications Enterprise.

Weledo Publications, as a company that endeavour to promote Eritrean community development in the diaspora, has also forged important links with Eritrean community based Tigrigna schools. This community partnerships has enabled local Tigrigna schools to benefit from income generated though distribution of Weledo Tigrigna books within their schools. The same scheme, known as "Weledo Approved Distributor" is also launched recently with the intention of enabling individuals within their communities to participate gainfully while helping children in their community to have access to these books.

Throughout its second year of operations, Weledo will be bringing out to the market more Tigrigna mother-tongue learning materials, with additional five products to be launched soon. The company's main objective for its second year of operations is to substantially increase its existing product catalogue as well as build strong foundation for the creation of a comprehensive curriculum for teaching mother-tongue in the diaspora.


Tags: Eritrea, eritv, Ethiopia

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Abel Abraham
Press Contact, Weledo Publications Enterprise
Weledo Publications Enterprise
138 Moore Ave
R2M 2C6