Erlang Solutions Ltd. and Quviq AB. Cement Partnership to Deliver Test Driven Development to the Market

Broad enterprise demand for fault-free products and services causes rapid uptake of sophisticated, automated testing.

Erlang Solutions Ltd, the global leader in Erlang services to the enterprise and Quviq AB, makers of the widely-adopted Quickcheck software tools, announce the formation of a partnership to deliver Quickcheck-based software tools and support services to the enterprise market.

Erlang Solutions will be able to offer the full range of Quickcheck products and services to their enterprise clients. Quickcheck, is uniquely designed to test products and services that require high quality and reliability as well as an automated process.

"Without Quickcheck we would not have been able to achieve the success we have enjoyed to date", said Marcus Taylor, CEO of Erlang Solutions. "Erlang Solutions uses Quickcheck in its test driven agile development process, a key feature of this is Quickcheck's ability to perform automated testing enabling huge productivity gains. To date it has been used successfully in projects in the automotive, telecoms, financial, messaging and banking sectors. The best part of my working day is checking the progress of our projects on the dashboard."

The partnership formalises Erlang Solutions ability to provide the market with training, consultancy and support for the Quickcheck product portfolio that today covers Erlang and C based solutions.

"Quviq and Erlang Solutions have a unique opportunity to provide a broad spectrum of industries with the tools to deliver high quality products and services that will be easy to maintain throughout the product cycle," said John Hughes, Quviq's founder. "We are jointly working on new features and enhancements that will be announced as the year evolves".

"Recently we delivered a carrier grade email system for millions of users on an extremely aggressive schedule, and QuickCheck played a vital role," said Scott Fritchie Senior Software Engineer at Gemini Mobile Technologies, Inc. "In this project, the client application was developed by another company. QuickCheck's controlled randomness gave us test coverage beyond what any single client application might attempt."

"Complex networked applications are notoriously difficult to test with traditional methods," said Justin Sheehy, CTO of Basho Technologies. "QuickCheck, with its approach to property-based testing, gives us a much more tractable way to build assurance into products like our Riak distributed database."


About Quviq AB:
QuviQ was founded in May, 2006, by John Hughes and Thomas Arts. Quviq's testing tool Quickcheck supports automatic test case generation from specifications, and when tests fail, speeds fault diagnosis by finding minimal test cases that provoke each bug. QuickCheck's libraries support a wide range of specification styles, ranging from simple logical properties, through state machine models, to relational trace properties-and Quviq's experts can develop tailor-made libraries on demand to tackle awkward testing problems. With an office in Gothenburg, Sweden, and close ties to Chalmers University, Quviq builds automated test tools for use in a wide variety of industries. Quite simply, Quviq offers better testing, at lower cost, through advanced technology.

Media Contact:

Quviq AB
John Hughes
Founder & CEO
[email protected]
+46 70-756 37 60


Tags: erlang, erlang solutions, Quickcheck, Quviq

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