Releases New 2011 Software Database Reviews Tool To Streamline ERP Software Selection Due Diligence

Leading ERP reference Site, Releases it's new ERP Software Selection Guide, a Software Comparison Database of the Top Business Software Solutions for 2011

Leading ERP reference Site, Releases it's new ERP Software Selection Guide, a Software Comparison Database of the Top Business Software Solutions for 2011. (, a leading enterprise resource planning authority site for the enterprise software space including business software reviews, ERP software reviews and whitepapers as well as current enterprise technology news and trends launches its updated ERP Software Database Reviews covering the full gamut of ERP modules and systems such as Accounting Software Reviews, HR Software Reviews, ERP Software Reviews, Process Manufacturing Software Reviews, Discrete Manufacturing Software Reviews, Retail Software Reviews, Construction Software Reviews, Pharmaceutical Software Reviews as well as the latest CRM Software Reviews, to name just a few.

A very high percentage of ERP software system implementations fail because of misaligned software selection. "Selecting the right software is 95% of the battle. Comparing the hundreds of viable solutions that are out there is, frankly, too much to handle and a comparison database that will help to weed out software systems and provide relevant ERP software reviews is a life saver" says Mike Lindsay, IT Consulting Director at BT.

What is ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning?

Enterprise Resource Planning is a company-wide information technology system and generally business software developed to connect all business processes, activities and data in every department of the organization. For more information, please visit: or contact us at [email protected]. For sales and partnership opportunities contact: [email protected]. For affiliate marketing and PR questions contact: [email protected].


Based in San Francisco, California, is a professional technology site focused on offering the most up to date and relevant information on business software and enterprise resource planning and a leading forum for ERP practitioners to collaborate, share information, market and develop sales leads in the IT business space.


Tags: accounting, CRM, Custom Resource Management, Enterprise resource planning, ERP, erp software, ERP Systems, ERP vendors, inventory, microsoft crm, SaaS, sap


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